Page 16 of Forever Mr Black
“Exactly. He’s got a lot on his plate, and I don’t think he’s the sort who’d come to me and ask for help.”
“No, because he’s probably too scared to.”
Art looks mildly offended.
“Don’t look at me like that. You haven’t been exactly nice to him.”
He draws his brows together into a frown, as if he doesn’t like what he’s hearing but knows I’m right. “Yeah, well, you know patience isn’t my strong point, and George puts it to the test, but now that I’ve been here a while, I can see how hard he works. He gets on with things quietly, without any fuss, when, in reality, he’s carrying a lot more than he should. He took on too much when my uncle owned the place, and he’s just continues to do it. A deputy assistant manager would take some of thepressure off, but it needs to be the right person. Someone who knows the hotel well, who’s experienced.”
I suppose it does make sense.
He reaches out a hand and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Someone like you.”
He’s mad.
“What? No way.”
“Why not?”
“Do you have any idea how absurd that suggestion is?”
“No, but I’ve a feeling you’re about to enlighten me.”
“Firstly, I’ve no management experience.” I tick off the reason on my fingers. “Secondly, I like my job just fine, and thirdly, can you imagine what the other staff would think? They’d think I slept my way to the top—that’s what.”
“Firstly, training for the role would be offered, and you do have experience with managing staff. Secondly, the fact that you like your job isn’t an argument, and thirdly, I think by now, you know that I don’t give a fuck what the other staff think.”
“Well, you should, and I do,” I say crossly. “It would look unprofessional. Even more than you and me getting together.”
He shrugs his shoulders in defence. “How would it? The job would be advertised. There would be a formal application process. You’d have to apply and go to interview, and there wouldn’t just be me on the panel. You wouldn’t be handed the job. You’d have to work for it.”
I’m not sure I’m convinced.
He puts his hand on my thigh and slides it down over the fabric of my skirt to the bare skin, grazing his fingers slowly up my leg, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “I just think you’ve got a lot more to offer. Just planning weddings is a waste of your talents.”
I press my lips together to suppress a shiver. He’s trying to distract me.
I put my hand on his to stop it from moving any further. “I love my job.”
He tilts his head and looks at my hand thoughtfully. “I’m going to tell you something that you won’t believe. You’ll think I’m just trying to talk you into considering the job, but I’m not.” He carries on pushing his hand up my thigh, and this time, I let him.
Fucking hell, I’ve got zero self-control when it comes to this man.
“Me thinking you’re right for the job has nothing to do with me and you being together. Even if we weren’t together, I’d still think you were right for the job. I’d still say to you what I’ve just said. Because it’s true.”
I’ve never really considered stepping up the ladder. I’m pretty sure I could handle the responsibilities, but I’m not sure whether I want the hassle. I can’t think about it. Not now.
I part my lips and suck in a long breath as his thumb strokes my knickers in between my legs. “And I thought you’d invited me up here for a nice, relaxing lunch break.”
“I did.” Art flicks me a grin and kisses my throat.
I close my eyes, succumbing to his touch.
“Sex is a great way to relax.”
A rap sounds at the office door, and I snap open my eyes. I go to shift off his lap, but he tightens his hold of me and continues kissing my neck.
“Art, I need to move. I really don’t think it’s appropriate for anyone to see us. We need to stop.”