Page 39 of Forever Mr Black
“You seem happier than I’ve seen you in a long while.”
She sips her wine and nods. “I am. Things are settling down. Mum’s finally come round to the idea of Mark and me divorcing. Our solicitors have started the paperwork. And Steve and I are … good.”
“Have you told your parents about Big Steve?”
“God, no!” Lucy raises her eyebrows in alarm. “One thing at a time. That would definitely finish them right off at the mo.”
I guess she’s right. Big Steve and Mark are polar opposites in every single way imaginable.
She smirks and looks at my engagement ring. “And I don’t need to ask if you’re happy, do I?”
“Right now, I feel like killing him,” I admit. “He’s got it in his head that he wants to get married in December, and because he refuses to even consider another date so we’ve got more time to find a venue, he’s suggested we get hitched at the hotel.”
“Er, what’s the matter with that?” Lucy says indignantly. “I got married there, remember?”
“Yes, but I work there.”
“I work there.”
“I actually plan weddings there.”
Lucy shrugs. “So? You can’t deny it’s a beautiful venue. You of all people know that.”
I sip my champagne. It is. But that’s not the bloody point.
“He didn’t discuss it with me. The first I heard about it was when he dropped it out in front of my parents about five minutes ago,” I say crossly.
She pulls a face. “Yeah, I admit that’s probably not his best move. But if you really don’t want to get married there, tell him so.” She laughs. “He clearly can’t wait to make you his wifey. You’ll be barefoot and pregnant in no time.”
My chest tightens. I take a gulp of champagne to try and get rid of the feeling of panic. Lucy’s joking, but I’m worried that she’s closer to the truth than she realises. I want kids but not yet, and I’ve told him so. He’s trying to bulldoze his way with the wedding to get his own way; what’s to say he won’t do the same about us starting a family?
“You’re perfect together,” Lucy assures me, catching the worried look on my face. “You make him happy; he makes you happy. You’re a hot-looking couple. And if you like his dominating ways in some areas of your life … you might have to put up with them in other areas you’re not so keen on.” She gives me a cheeky smile, and I know instantly what she’s getting at.
My cheeks grow warm, and I take a sip of champagne.
“Speech!” someone announces from behind us.
I turn round to see Art standing on the edge of the patio.
He grabs an empty champagne flute from a nearby table and chinks a fork against the glass. “I’d like to say a few words.”
Lucy nudges me with her elbow and smiles. “Looks like you’re up.”
“Firstly, I’d like to thank you all for coming tonight.”
He oozes confidence, and I’m mentally transported back to the first day we met at the hotel. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him then either.
His dark eyes scan the guests and come to a stop on me. He breaks into a smile. “Sophie, would you join me, please?”
Nerves fizz in my stomach as I weave through the guests and up to the patio. I hate this sort of thing. All eyes on me. If I possessed half his confidence, I’d feel better. But I needn’t have worried. The feel of his firm hand closing around mine as he helps me up the step wipes the nerves away as I take my place beside him.
Art lets go of my hand and slides an arm around my waist, drawing me close to him. “Six months ago, I didn’t even know this wonderful woman existed. But as soonas I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one. It’s been a whirlwind, but it’s right. I love her with all my heart. She completes me.”
A chorus of "awws" from the guests ripples across the garden. A ball of emotion wedges in my throat. I was expecting him to say a few words of thanks. Not this.
“Martin, Sue, I promise to look after your daughter with all my heart and protect her with my life.”
I bite down on my bottom lip to stop it from trembling, and I glance over to the far side of the patio to where Mum and Barbara are standing together, dabbing their eyes with tissues.