Page 39 of Don't Let Go
“C’mon luv,” Remy said, holding out an arm. “We’ve got a bit of a clever workaround I think you’ll like.”
“I don’t want to leave them to fight.”
“We’re not going to fight,” Locke told her and he took the gun from my skull and put it away. Better him than me to say it.
Still, she hesitated. No way she believed Locke, or me for that matter. That was fine, I could earn her trust. Finally, she licked her lips. “I could use some water.”
“Good girl,” I murmured. “Let Remy look after you.”
I waited until he ushered her around another faux wall, his soft words to her carrying for a moment. The nice part of the design was we’d used sound dampeners on purpose. Harder to listen in if we didn’t let sound escape. When I was sure they were another room away, I slammed my fist toward Locke.
I’d give the little prick credit, he batted my fist to the side and dodged the follow-up blow. The third, an uppercut, lifted him off the ground. He hit the bed before he bounced and rolled off of it.
With a tumble, he was back on his feet and instead of the gun, he had a pair of knives in his hand. I nodded slowly. That was better. Maybe he was more prepared than I’d cared to admit.
“I told her we weren’t going to fight,” he warned me.
“I didn’t.” I said then shrugged. “Next time you want to get your dick wet, you make sure you have backup present who can watch out for both of you. We could have been anyone coming through that door, there you would be, ass in the air, balls deep in her sweet cunt and what?”
A blade flew across the room and slammed into the wall just behind me. The whisper of its passage brushed my cheek and it wobbled there, so close, he could have offered me a shave.
I studied the blade for a moment then met his challenging gaze. “Fine. You still wait until you have backup.”
As grateful as I was to see them both, the last thing I expected was for them to choose that exact moment to appear. Riddled with embarrassment, I clutched Remy’s coat a little closer to me. It was still warm from his body. Even better, it was satiny soft on my skin.
Behind us, McQuade and Locke seemed almost eerily silent. Chewing my lip, I didn’t say anything as Remy guided me around to an area near the back of the truck. He touched a switch that released another wall to fold out. This one looked more like an ornamental privacy screen. The frosted glass offered an occluded view.
With a light touch, Remy nudged me around the corner into the square of space that had been created by the privacy screens.
“You installed a shower?” The drain on floor had been a clue, but the fact there was a nozzle above with a rain head on it gave me pause. I couldn’t help but gawk at all of it. “How? This is a truck? Where do you even keep the water? How do you recycle it? Is it potable? Or just useful for showering? Can you evenheatit?”
I had a hundred different questions and Remy’s soft chuckle drifted around me. I pivoted to find him watching me with a small smile on his lips.
“You’re quite adorable, luv,” he murmured.
I wrinkled my nose, uncertain that I cared for that description.
Not an ounce of apology reflected in his expression. “You are even more adorable with this frown crinkling right here.”
He lifted a slender finer to trace the space between my brows. The light touch sent shivers up and down my spine. I wanted to erase the frown but the effort only seemed to make me frown harder.
When a chuckle escaped him again, I scowled for real. His chuckle turned to a laugh even as his eyes warmed further.
With a sigh, I gave up the effort.
“Am I really annoying you?” Genuine curiosity inhabited his voice.
“No,” I said, instantly irritated with myself for giving him that impression. I lifted my chin to meet his gaze. “Truly, I’m not upset and you aren’t annoying me.”