Page 12 of Ex Marks the Spot
“I would’ve rather massaged a porcupine than talked to him.”
“I see.” I expect another follow-up question, but instead he flips through his notecards and says, “Let’s move on. This is the first time Xtreme Quest has had a team of exes. How do you feel about it, Hartley?”
That’s easy. “I feel like I can’t wait for it to be three weeks from now so I never have to see him again.”
“Can you tell me about the breakup?”
I have no idea what Court said during his audition, but I’m not sugarcoating anything for his benefit. “The breakup was worse for me than it wasfor him. I guess it helps to have another woman from back home waiting on the side.”
Wendell glances at Court and lifts his brows.
“There was never another woman.”
“Enough with the lies! I saw you parading her around the gallery during my showcase.” I press a dent in the armrest with my thumbnail. Better that than Court’s eyeball.
“I didn’t cheat,” he says pointedly to Wendell. “The rest of it is...complicated.”
Complicated? Ripping my heart out and then showing up to the biggest night of my college career with another woman on your arm seems straightforward to me.
“Do you feel bad about what happened?” Wendell asks him.
The full weight of Court’s gaze settles on me. Probably because he’s about to admit he has no soul and wants to see my reaction.
“Of course. I hate that she was hurting because of me.”
“Seriously?” I seethe, adding another dent in the wood. “You areunbelievable.”
“What makes you say that?” Wendell probes.
I turn and glare at Court. “That’s like saying, ‘I feel bad she got a bruise because I punched her.’ Youbrokeme. You don’t get to feel bad about something you purposely caused.”
His jaw clenches as if he wants to say something—perhaps another explanation for ripping my heart out six years ago—but of course he never does. Instead, he takes a deep breath and focuses on Wendell again.
“Breaking up with Hartley was the right decision, but I don’t see the benefit in rehashing ancient history. I’m sure we’ll manage to be civil throughout the race.”
My armrest has three more dents by the time I’m done rolling my eyes.
“Do you agree?” Wendell asks me.
Hardly, but my desire not to let Court paint me as the scorned ex is greater than my desire to level him with a comeback. “Court’s right. I came to Xtreme Quest ready to work with anyone. The fact that it’s him has no bearing on my strategy to win. I hope the other teams are ready for the fight of their lives.” I’m careful to say all of this with my best millions-of-people-are-going-to-see-my-resolve face.
“Let’s talk about that,” Wendell says. “What made you want to audition for Xtreme Quest?”
“I’ve wanted to travel the world since I was a kid, but never got thechance. I can’t think of a better opportunity than combining my biggest dream and my favorite show.” This time my smile is genuine.
Court, however, looks like he just got punched in the gut.
“What do you mean you never got a chance to see the world? You went to Italy after college,” he says, his voice strained.
“Actually, I didn’t.”
“Then where’d you go?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but home, Courtney. I had to go home.”