Page 64 of Ex Marks the Spot
“Does every country have a mathematical society, or is this a Nepal thing?” Alexis asks.
“Don’t ask me, I’m allergic to numbers,” Haylee replies, retrieving a challenge envelope from the box.
Court reaches around me and grabs an envelope for our team. “I can handle subbing for high school calculus in a small town, but there’s no way I can hang with the Nepal MathematicalSociety.”
The Bombshells take a clue of their own and we spread out enough to get the required shot of each team reading it.
Forge: Create a kukri knife blade.
Forage: Search a bazaar for ingredients and cook a full-course Nepalese meal.
“So basically, do we want to rely on ourselves, or do we want to work with other people?” Court asks.
I’ve seen so many challenges go wrong when contestants get lost inside markets or can’t find items. Add that to the unpredictability of cooking something we’ve never even seen before, and it becomes a recipe for disaster (no pun intended).
“I vote for relying on ourselves.”
I’m stuffing the clue in my fanny pack when Old Bay approaches. “What did you decide?” Kadeeja asks.
“We’re forging.’”
“We’re going to forage.”
“That’s because she’s hungry,” Haylee adds.
“How about you two?” Court says to the Bombshells.
They exchange a look before Gianna says, “We’re not sure yet.”
“Well, good luck, whatever you decide. We’re gonna head out,” Kadeeja says, hooking a thumb over her shoulder.
After waving them off, we join Gianna and Alexis, whose clue envelope is still sealed.
“Those work better when you open them,” Court jokes.
“About that . . . ,” Alexis says. “We’re going to try the Shortcut.”
His brows inch upward. “You’re doing the math test?”
A smile slowly blooms on my face as I think back to my initial impression of them in Dallas and how over-the-top they’ve acted since then. “I freakingknew it!”
“Knew what?” Court asks.
“That the stereotypical bombshell thing was an act. Which you pulled off quite well, I might add.”
Gianna shrugs. “It’s pretty easy to show people what they expect to see.”
“That’s a heavy statement, and one worth unpacking in a later discussion, but right now I want to know how you plan on passing this test.”
She smiles and extends her hand. “Hi, I’m Gianna, PhD in biochemical engineering, adjunct professor, member of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, two patents pending.”
While I stand there gaping like a fish, Alexis points to Gianna and says, “Same as her.”