Page 25 of Their Wicked Ways
“I’m…fine,” I managed to gasp just as the shakes set in.
“Look at me,” he coached softly.
I did.
“Good. That’s good.” He ran his hands up and down my arms.
My lips and hands tingled with pins and needles.
I hated this part, feeling like my body was shutting down and there was nothing I could do to stop it. The shaking, numbness, feeling unnaturally cold even with all my gear on, not being able to breathe but not gasping. It was the worst feeling in the world.
“It’s okay, Jett. You’re safe here. Just ride it out.”
“I…hate…this,” I hiccupped, which set off another full-body shudder that nearly sent me toppling off the tailgate.
Quinn tightened his grip and held me in place. “I know. But you’re doing good. Just focus on me. Can you do that?”
I nodded, my chest aching as my heart slowed to a less frantic pace.
“Now try to breathe with me. Copy what I’m doing. It’s okay if you can’t, but can you try?”
I nodded again, my chest opening up a bit at his soothing tone.
“Now breathe in through your nose. Good. Hold it, just another second, now let it out. Good. That’s really good.” He smiled encouragingly. “Let’s try that again, only a bit slower.”
I followed his instructions, my head clearing a bit with each passing second.
On the third round of deep breaths, the last of my haze lifted and was replaced by horror. I just had a panic attack at work. How was I supposed to explain what had set me off?
Sorry I freaked out on you, but your new hires have seen my O face because I let them spit-roast me in an anonymous hookup.
A laugh escaped my lips, bubbling out of my chest without warning.
“Sorry.” I reached for my water bottle. My hand closed over the metal casing, and I gripped it hard.
“Don’t be sorry.” Quinn stepped back, his hands still out and ready to grab me and save me from face-planting at the slightest indication. “It’s not your fault.”
“Do you get them too?” I asked, my voice rough like I’d just spent the last hour screaming at a concert.
He nodded. “It’s been a while, but yeah. They used to be really bad when I was younger. Did anything trigger this one?”
I dropped my gaze again, unable to look him in the face while I lied. “No.”
“Are you sure? You don’t have to tell me, but talking about it might help.”
I looked at him and slowly brought my water to my lips to take a drink. Not because I was especially thirsty, but because I needed to stall and get my brain functioning again.
He seemed so sincere, and he’d been nothing but good to me. Quinn might be my boss, but he was also my friend.
Too bad I couldn’t tell him, or anyone, the whole truth.
“I had an incident on Friday,” I mumbled. “My family… It’s complicated, but something happened, and it messed me up. I guess I thought I could just pretend like it wasn’t a big deal. Spoiler alert, it was.”
Quinn smiled at my lame attempt at humor. “Family stuff is always complicated. Is it something you want to talk about?”
I shook my head.
“Are you okay to drive home? Or maybe I should get the twins to drive with you?—”