Page 94 of Their Wicked Ways
“Yeah, okay.”
“Before we start, you have to promise to be honest. These situations only work if everyone is on the same page.”
He nodded. “I promise.”
“You might have noticed we’re talkers,” I started.
His cheekbones went pink. “Yeah. I definitely noticed that. I like it,” he added quickly.
“That’s good to know. Do you have any trigger words?” Ez asked.
“Trigger words?” Jett rubbed his hands on his thighs absently. “I have no idea what you mean. Total newb here, remember?”
“Are there any names you don’t want to be called? Any words you have a bad association with or would rather not hear?” I clarified.
He paused thoughtfully. “Not that I can think of.”
“Even the degradation?” I asked. “Calling you those names was okay?”
Jett’s ears flushed as pink as his cheeks. “Yeah. That was fine.”
“How about toys?” I asked.
“Toys?” He swallowed. “Um. Yeah?”
“Was that a question?” Ez said with a soft smile.
Jett chuckled. “Sorry. This is a bit weird. I’ve never talked to anyone about this kind of stuff before.”
“It’s fine. Take your time.”
“I guess it depends on the toy, but I used them when it’s just me, so…” He let that hang in the air.
Ez glanced at me, heat flashing in his eyes. Toys were his thing.
“How about topping?” I asked, trying to get the image of Jett using a dildo on himself out of my head.
“Like me top you?” Jett's eyes rounded comically.
I grinned. “I’m vers. I like pitchingandcatching.”
“Yeah. If you wanted me to.” He rubbed one hand against his flushed cheek, like he was trying to scrape the color away.
“What about role-play?” Ez asked. “Like we come up with a scenario and act it out together?”
“Yeah. That sounds good.” He put his hands on his lap to cover the clearly visible bulge.
“What about being restrained or held down?” I asked.
He paused, then slowly nodded.
“We need to hear the word,” Ez said softly.
He cleared his throat. “Yes.”
“What about you?” I asked. “Is there anything you’ve wanted to try or you enjoy?” We had other things on our lists, but those were the major ones. We could discuss the others if they came up later.
“I’m not sure.” His neck flushed pink. “I like when you guys are in charge.”