Page 91 of Scars Like Wings
Everett and Mom started to boogie the night away. They danced, twirled, and had the time of their lives on that table. It was enough to almost make me jealous. I clearly didn’t get any of my dance moves from my mom, which may be a blessing and a curse.
After we graduated, I decided to become a teacher and took a job at a middle school and Everett landed a gig at the DSO. He wanted to celebrate both of us starting our careers, so he chose a club for us to go to and relive our glory days, even if they weren’t that long ago. We both knew we still had it, but we missed the fun and carefreeness of it all. He picked me up, wewent to a club he heard only good things about, and we danced until the club closed for the night.
Mom and Uncle Everett dancing on the table at some college party swirled until they were dancing on a club dance floor and on their bar top. They were all deep belly laughs and sweaty fun. I laughed just watching them.
The page turned again.
After the club had closed around three a.m., we went to eat at an old classic barhop nearby. The food was so greasy and salty, it was like an instant hangover cure before you could even experience one. It was delicious and just what a pair of drunkies needed. We were sucking our fingers of the greasy goodness when he entered the restaurant.
An image of Mom and Everett appeared on the page as they sat at an old-timey diner. Mom was licking her fingers, but she paused with one of her fingers in her mouth as the door of the diner opened. I could almost hear the bell chime above the door, but I could also feel the pause in time.
“Pops?” I called out to the page at the man entering the restaurant. Then I saw a short woman follow behind him. I called again, “Aunt Max?”
I couldn’t believe it. It was Pops and Aunt Max, for sure. Pops’ locs were short and just starting, but he was still the same large, tall black man with light skin close to my own that would buy me books and Pocky sticks from the bookstore or play video games with me. Aunt Max’s locs were shorter, too, and twisted in a ponytail. They were chuckling at some joke that I’m sure Aunt Max had made. As they finished laughing, Pops’ eyes met Mom’s.
The colors and image swirled, mixed, and zoomed out to show a universe of stars, planets, and comets. My breath caught in my throat. It was dazzling. At the universe’s center was a planet of different shades of red and shimmering gold withtraces of black in its terrain. A nearby planet made of blues and greens started orbiting around the gorgeous ruby planet. They waltzed together in harmony, bound together forever and never to part.
It was so romantic I sighed dreamily as the page turned again.
He was the most handsome man I had ever seen, and I never wanted to stop looking upon him. He approached our table, and we talked all morning and deep into the afternoon. I never got tired, and I don’t think he did, either. We talked and flirted the whole time. I think Everett and Max noticed how sparks flew between us. I don’t know how they couldn’t. We said our names—his being Forest and mine being Doe—and we laughed. It was perfect. It was one of the best nights of my life.
This was love at first sight.
We were mates, and the spirits knew it.
Young Mom, Pops, Everett, and Max talked and burst into laughter on the page. Everyone was together again. It was the first time I had seen everyone all in the same place and so alive in so long. The family had returned. It made me cry so hard I could barely breathe.
As I wiped away tears, I noticed how pruned my fingers were from the water. I loved that the tub water stayed warm for as long as I was in it, but it made me lose track of time with my relaxation. I checked my phone, and I realized I had been in here for almost an hour. Feeling warm enough, especially from the magic of the grimoire, I drained the tub and got out. A hot towel floated and wrapped itself around me. I did my full night routine of lotioning my skin, moisturizing my hair and face, and putting on my bonnet. Afterward, I put on my biggest, thickest sweatshirt—a 10XL-sized one I found online.
I pulled the grimoire close to me as I got in the bed. It was early evening, around seven, but I was exhausted from gettingup so early this morning and all the day’s events. I snuggled the book close to my heart. I held it tight as if it would bring Mom back.
Tears rolled from my eyes and onto the pillow underneath my head.
Suddenly, my phone lit up on its charger, and I reached for it.
Hey, sweetness. Just checking in to make sure you are okay after everything today. Did you finish what you were working on? I hope your night ended better. ??
I smiled and choked on a sob that I couldn’t keep down. I responded:
You are so sweet to think of me and to ask. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. ?? I’m having a tough go of things, to be honest, but I’m in bed now. Hopefully, things will be better tomorrow.
I’m so, so sorry, baby girl. Things will get better. I will have a surprise for you when we meet soon. I hope it will make all of this… well, not worth it, but give you something to look forward to. Until then, goodnight and sweet dreams.
Oh, look, something else to look forward to. Dream about me there, sweetness! ??
I hope so. Sweet dreams, pumpkin. ????
Spiderweb or Cobweb