Page 96 of Scars Like Wings
“So, you know you couldneverruin my birthday, right? Just you being here is more than enough of a present, starlight. But you took the time to plan something for me? You thought of me to organize something? You took initiative—wantedto do something—all for me? That is so insanely sweet and means so much to me. You have no idea. I know I’m going to love whatever it is you have planned becauseyouplanned it. That’s more than enough for me to love it already, okay?”
Quinn nodded.
Quinn gave me a quick kiss on the lips before resting her forehead against mine. “God, I missed you so much, baby girl.”
“Ditto.” I smiled.
Simone appeared beside us then. She playfully punched Quinn’s arm. “Itoldyou that she was going to fucking love that you planned everything! Now, let’s get this party started!”
Laughing, Quinn, Cole, and Cody grabbed my and the girls’ luggage like well-mannered significant others before I locked my car. Quinn carried my suitcase and duffel with ease, even though I knew it was heavy from my overpacking. With no idea what to wear for my surprise birthday weekend, I had packed an outfit for nearly every possible occasion, which meant I had needed Everett’s strength to carry all of it downstairs and place it in my car. I still remember his head-shaking and mumbles about howmy indecision would be my downfall. Seeing Quinn transport it easily definitely did things to me.
We all boarded the plane, and it was exactly what I would expect of a private jet from what I had seen on movies and reality TV. The seats were oversized, leather, and plush, something I could sit in for hours on end. The interior was all shiny luxurious woods that I could see my reflection in and carpet that was as good quality as the one in the condo. Don’t even get me started on the legroom and storage space.
I don’t know if I could ever travel commercial again.
Already onboard were Nat and Cooper. Nat had her legs crossed, sitting close to the cockpit of the plane. Her sunglasses were perched above her bangs and in front of her ponytail. She looked stylish as ever in her cashmere sweater, leggings, and designer sneakers. She rose from her seat to hug me, cocktail perched in one hand.
“Happy birthday, sugarplum!” Nat said.
Cooper, who was seated in the back of the plane, grunted without looking up from the tablet in his lap. “Happy Level-Up Day.”
I laughed, sitting in a seat across from Nat. “Thank you so much for coming!”
“Of fucking course! Everyone deserves to have a good birthday! I also would never pass up a chance to see Quinn shit bricks like she has been with planning this—Ouch!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Natty. I didn’t realize you were sitting right there until I heard you talking shit,” Quinn said, bumping Nat with my luggage before placing it in the overhead cabin. “Shouldn’t you be offering the Birthday Queen a refreshment instead of gabbing?”
“What do I look like? A flight attendant?” Nat rolled her eyes. But to me, she said. “Do you want a cocktail or something? I would be happy to make one for you.”
I smiled. “I’m okay, actually?—”
“I will take hers, if you’re offering,” Maisie said, taking the seat in front of Nat, who smiled.
While Nat got to work on Maisie’s drink, I asked. “Are there flight attendants on private jets?”
“Sometimes if it’s a long flight. This one is going to be short, so we didn’t think to hire one.” Nat shrugged.
“I still can’t believe y’all chartered a private jet for me.”
“Oh, we didn’t rent this, shugs. We own it.”
“Technically, Cody and Quinn own it. They just let you ride in it when they are feeling charitable, pipsqueak,” Cole corrected Nat as Simone sat in his lap.
As Natassa stuck out her tongue at her brother, I raised my eyebrows. “So sorry, did you say y’allownaprivate freaking jet?”
“It’s handy for work when you need to quickly get somewhere and can’t deal with commercial flights.” Quinn shrugged. “Plus, I really wanted to be a pilot as a kid, and Mama thought it was a good investment in my future.”
Cooper rolled his eyes and mumbled something about Quinn always getting what she wanted. Quinn shot him a glare.
I cleared my throat. “So, if you got a plane because you wanted to be a pilot, does that mean?—?”
A ding sounded on the PA system above our heads. Even without it, I could clearly hear the voice from the open door of the cockpit nearby. “Goo-oo-ood morning, passengers! Welcome aboard Flight B924 with nonstop service from Oakwood to—” Nat tossed a tiny bottle of Fireball into the cockpit area. She must have hit her mark, as we heard, “Fucking ouch! That’s no way to treat your captain!”
“I know you meanco-captain, and that’s being generous.” Quinn rolled her eyes.
“As I was saying, the weather is a perfect day for flying. You can expect a short flight today. But in the meantime, do sit back, relax, and have a very happy birthday, Dirty Byrdie. We know you have a lot of choices for your transport, so thank you for choosing Cousins Private Charters!”