Page 13 of Gray
“Well, that’s the absolute truth,” Lena agreed. “He’d never harm a woman though.”
“Of course not! I just meant if I was the bad guy.”
Lena tried to hide her smile. The idea of Anna prowling around pregnant like some criminal in a dark alley was ludicrous. “Believe me, the guy was shocked when Gray yanked him away from me.” She wrapped her arms around herself, remembering the feel of that guy gripping her forearm—and the instant terror that had coursed through her. “I’m not sure what he expected, but he was totally clueless. He didn’t seem to think he’d done anything wrong, but cornering me in the basement to get my number was idiotic.”
“Dick,” Anna muttered, and Lena huffed out a laugh. It felt good knowing Anna was angry on her behalf. While the two women weren’t very much alike personality wise, they’d become friends. They’d had lunch together, grabbed coffee, and of course spent time at the office and at Jett and Anna’s large home.
“I just hope he doesn’t scare some other woman like that. How are you feeling?” Lena asked, ready to change the subject. She glanced at Anna’s baby bump. Anna was showing earlier this time around and was positively glowing today.
“Good, but I’ve been so tired. I took a quick cat nap when the nanny was there earlier but then came in to the office. I’m convinced it’s another boy,” Anna said, running a manicured hand over her belly. “Wouldn’t Jett love that? A house full of penises,” she surmised as Lena choked back her laughter. “There’s already too much testosterone around here as it is.”
“I thought the nanny had Brody all day?” Lena asked, glancing over at the sleeping baby.
“She did, but I felt like I’d miss him too much, so I brought him into work and gave her the day off. It must be those darn pregnancy hormones. I’m either in tears, sleeping because I’m so exhausted, or begging Jett to take me to bed and have his wicked way with me,” she teased, waggling her eyebrows.
Lena shot her a surprised look.
“Oh, honey, let me tell you—those pregnancy hormones make you want it all the time. Maybe not in the first trimester when I had morning sickness all day long, but now? I can’t get enough of my man. I should set you up,” Anna said, looking excitedly at Lena. “Just think, our kids could have playdates together.”
“No way,” Lena said, shaking her head. “The last thing I need is a man.”
“Look, I know some of the story with your ex. Don’t worry, Jett only gave me the barest details,” Anna quickly added. “I realize that you’re skittish for a very good reason. But not every man is horrible.”
“They’re not all bad, but I still don’t need you to set me up,” Lena said, flashing her a warning look. “I’m perfectly happy.”
The door to the secure area opened just then, effectively ending the conversation as Jett and the rest of his team came walking out. Ford made a beeline for Clara, ducking down to give his own pregnant wife a lingering kiss. Luke and Sam were deep in conversation with Nick. Jett sauntered over to Anna’s side, and Gray hovered at the edge of their group. He was often silently watching from the sidelines, Lena had noticed, and she blinked in surprise as she realized his focus was solely on her right now.
Lena met Gray’s gaze and tried to tamp down her body’s immediate reaction as he approached. Still, nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach and heat coursed over her skin. She’d done her best to keep her distance this week, putting the past weekend behind them. It had felt intimate crying in his arms in her bedroom, but Gray was a colleague, not her boyfriend. She was embarrassed he’d seen her like that. Then she’d cooked breakfast for him like they were a couple or something.
Gray had come over last weekend to make sure she was safe. That was all.
“Hi there.” His voice was a low rumble that practically sent a shiver snaking down her spine. He looked good today—too good. The cargo pants and black tee shirt that he wore showed off his muscles and strong physique, and she knew exactly how those muscles felt against her.
Lena felt her cheeks begin to warm.
“Hi,” she said, immediately feeling flustered.
“You’ve been avoiding me this week.” No pretense. Gray was blunt and to the point. His dark, short-cropped beard made him look rough-and-tumble, and the intensity in his eyes made her heart skip a beat.
He stood a respectable distance away, but she could breathe in his clean scent and feel the warmth of his big body. It felt like every nerve ending in her body was firing as she reacted to him. Her pulse pounded; her breath hitched. Even her voice wobbled as she answered him. “It’s been a busy week.”
He nodded. “It has. We’re monitoring multiple situations and have another briefing this afternoon.”
“I hear the Mexico mission is on standby,” she said, swallowing. Gray’s watchful gaze on her was unnerving. Maybe she’d flushed around him, felt his heated look as she’d moved around her kitchen and made breakfast, but nothing had happened. He’d checked her property after they ate, made sure she was okay, and left.
And she’d kept her distance all week.
Gray had literally broken her bedroom door down to get to her. He’d offered to replace it, too. While she was shocked, she alsowasn’t. He was former Special Forces, just like Jett and his teammates. And he’d done what he needed to get to her.
The conversations in the lobby continued on around them, and Lena felt like they were in their own little bubble, separated from the world. Gray knew she’d been steering clear of him, and it was obvious that he was done with her avoidance tactics.
“The mission is on standby until we resolve your and Kaylee’s case,” Gray told her, his eyes intense. “We have a little flexibility in the timing with Mexico, so Jett wants to handle this first. We just got some information that might lead us to Ivan Rogers.”
“Oh really?” she asked, suddenly feeling worried. “Do you have a location?”
“Not yet, but we’re narrowing down the possibilities,” Gray said, clearly noticing her concern. “We think he flew to one of the areas where his sex-trafficking operation is run. Jett already told you his homes were searched.”
Lena nodded, but a tinge of worry coursed through her. “He did,” she said, her voice faltering. Tears smarted her eyes. “I think we’ll all feel better when he’s found,” Lena managed to say.