Page 6 of Gray
Finishing his water, Gray strode back to his bedroom, unplugging his phone from the charger. He swallowed as he keyed in the code.
West had already gotten back to his earlier text.
West:Ran another check on the new guy. Nothing came up.
West:He’s an ass but mostly harmless. Assuming Lena wouldn’t agree with that.
Gray thumbed back a response.
Gray:Appreciate it.
There was a text from Jett as well, informing Gray that the new employee was no longer working at Shadow Security. Relief flooded through him. The man had frightened Lena, essentially trapping her against the armory door, and that was unacceptable.
Gray huffed out a breath and scrolled through his contact list, pausing on Lena’s name. It was the goddamn middle of the night. He shouldn’t bother her. Most sane people were sleeping at this time. The late hour didn’t quell the urge Gray had to check up on Lena anyway. He’d driven past her place when he’d left Shadow Security earlier, noting that her car was parked inthe driveway. The neighborhood had been quiet. Serene. He’d watched her home for a few minutes but seen nothing amiss, then come back to his own place.
She’d probably be pissed to know he’d looked up her address. Lena seemed to be the type of woman who valued her independence. She didn’t date, as far as he knew, and kept her private life private. The woman clearly had a spine of steel to stand up to their boss. Jett would roll right over some people with his gruff demeanor. But Lena? She did her job and didn’t let a damn thing faze her.
Until tonight.
He pushed the message icon, thumbing a text to her.
Gray:Hey. It’s Gray. I had West run another background check on the guy. He’s clean and shouldn’t be bothering you.
Gray was shocked as his phone buzzed almost immediately.
Lena:Thanks. Jett told me he’s no longer employed by Shadow Security.
Gray:Yep. He texted me earlier. Sorry if I woke you.
Lena:No worries.I couldn’t sleep. Guess you might understand that.
Gray didn’t answer right away and was still staring at the message when his phone buzzed again.
Lena:Sorry if I’m bringing up bad memories.
He hesitated, his eyes scanning over her text. Gray didn’t need to burden her with his own problems. While his teammates were aware of his nightmares given that they deployed on ops together, he didn’t need to cause Lena any additional strife. She already had enough to deal with given the kidnapping.
He was thumbing a reply before he thought better of it.
Gray:I’m usually up at random hours.
Gray:Why couldn’t you sleep?
Lena:Bad dream. Then I thought I heard something outside.
He was calling her before he thought twice, already moving toward his bedroom. The line rang as he pulled on his boxers and jeans, his bare back reflecting in the mirror as he glanced over his shoulder. Scars crisscrossed his flesh. He shifted slightly, his muscles bunching with the movement. He was in top physical shape, but nothing could change the horror his body had been through.
Fucking terrorist assholes.
The phone rang again, leaving Gray to wonder if Lena was going to ignore his call.
Suddenly her voice was on the line, causing something in his body to awaken. He was still shirtless and barefoot in his bedroom, but his cock twitched against the confines of his boxers at the sweet sound of her voice. Adrenaline spiked through his veins, every muscle in his body now tense.
“I’m okay,” Lena said as she answered.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he questioned. “It’s the middle of the night. What did you hear?”