Page 119 of Johnathan
“She’s got you there.” Abby smacked his hand away from the pot as he went for another taste. “Did you learn nothing?”
“It’s so good. Please tell me it’ll be ready soon? I don’t know how many more castles I can draw while my stomach rumbles.”
Abby laughed. “Just a few more minutes. I’m about to put the pasta in the water. Go finish your castle. Oh, Katy?”
“How much should your dad put in the swear jar?”
“Thewhatnow?” John’s whole body stopped, his head turning to look at Abby from over his shoulder.
“Grace was telling me she started a swear jar at their house. Katy and I talked about it and we think it’s a good idea. Right, sweet pea?”
“Yeah! We gets new baby dolls from your naughty words.”
“Remind me to thank Grace for encouraging my girls to spend my money.” John smiled, grabbing his wallet off the counter and pulling five dollars from it to give to Katy.
“Do you have an actual jar to put this in, ladybug?”
“In my room!”
“Okay, get going. Make sure you wash your hands for dinner when you come back.”
“Otay. Be right back!”
Abby opened the box of noodles and dumped them into the boiling water.
“I’m sorry we aren’t going to be together for Thanksgiving.”
“Baby, I get it. You want to be with Sam and your mom this year, and I’ve already committed to my family. The offer still stands if you guys want to join us.”
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Sam’s only just gotten home and I want him to rest.”
“Well, how about we do a little impromptu friend’s get together on the weekend? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Maybe we can just grill and hang out?”
“I love the sound of that. But I’m still not sure about Sam.”
“Abby. He can’t just stay on the ranch for the rest of his life.”
“I know, but I just feel so scared because there almost wasn’t arest of his life.We can’t be irresponsible with it.”
“How about this? Ask him if he’s feeling up to it. I’ll drive out and get him, and he can just spend the day in the recliner, totally stress free, but still getting to see everyone.”
Abby walked behind the chair where John was sitting and ran her hands down his chest. “You are the best man I know, John Boone. How did I get so lucky to land a catch like you?”
She kissed his cheek. Before she could stand upright, his hand was around her wrist, pulling her body down onto his lap.
“You missed, beautiful.”
John dipped his head and kissed Abby. His beard brushed across her skin, the sensation setting her nerves on fire.
“Daddy? We get a cat?” Katy asked as she bounced back into the kitchen, completely ignoring the way Abby was wrapped up in John.
“What? No, ladybug. We are not getting a cat. Why do you think that?” He helped Abby onto her feet, her ass getting a little pat from him as she walked towards the stove.
“I wants one. Honey has a black cat. Her name is boots!”