Page 132 of Johnathan
Holy shit.It wasn’t her voice.
John’s eyes finally opened, the room spinning as he tried to focus and make sense of the scene before him.
His stomach rolled as the panicked look on Abby’s face hit him square in the chest.
“I should have known you wouldn’t remember fucking my husband. I read the messages you sent him on that disgusting dating app. Your little innocent act was all there in black and white.”
“Dating app? N-No. I didn’t go out with anyone who was separated or divorced. The only man I went out with said he was single and never married before. You have to believe me, Laura.”
“The thing is, Abby, I really don’t. You’re a fucking lying bitch. He told me what you two did. How you asked him to pretend to be someone named ‘Luke’.”
Bile rose in the back of Abby’s throat as she swallowed thickly. Luke was a nightmare in more than the obvious way.
“Your husband drugged me! I-I was so sick. I didn’t go home with him. I spent the night with John.”
“He told me how it was a game you were playing. You wanted to role play with him. The innocent bitch fresh out of college. You asked him to go along with the disgusting idea that he’d spiked your drink so you could live out some fucking horrific fantasy. And then he brought you back to the home that we used to share as a family and you fucked him on MY bed!”
“He lied. Whatever he told you was a lie! Ask John. Just wait a few minutes until whatever you drugged us with wears off and ask him!”
“I don’t need to ask him. I’m sure he’d lie to protect you. As soon as he turned me down in the supply closet, I knew I’d have to take more drastic measures than just sleeping with your man.”
A shrill ringing cut through the air.
“Shit.” Laura reached into her pocket and took out her phone. She smiled at Abby as she walked to the door. “Don’t go anywhere.”
As soon as the door clicked shut behind Laura, Abby started frantically pulling at the restraints. The dry, frayed rope dug into her skin, but she wasn’t going to waste a single second. That was her chance to get free. To get to John.
She rubbed the rope back and forth over the square edge of the chair’s arms, praying that the frail nature of the rope would work in her favor. She didn’t focus on the pain, only on the promise of saving her family.
“Abby, stop. Your skin…”
“I can’t stop, John. She’s going to kill us, and I won’t let her take you from Katy. My…” She sucked in a sharp breath before biting down on her lip to stop the scream from bubbling through. “I have to do this. I can do this.”
“It should be me.”
She shook her head. He was weak from being drugged. John had taken a couple cookies with him. If he’d eaten them all, he got a much higher dose than she did. Her head hurt, but it was nothing compared to how disoriented she had felt when she was drugged at the bar.
“She drugged us, but I’m coming out of it. I can do this.” Abby let her mind drift back to the first date they went on. The night she became John’s. She didn’t focus on the fire burning through her skin. She didn’t pay attention to the tears streaming down her face or the ragged way she was breathing. Nothing else mattered except making sure John was there to see Katy grow up. She wouldn’t be the reason the two people she loved most in the whole world were lost to each other forever.
She rubbed the ropes back and forth on the edge of the chair as fast as she could. The fibers tore through her skin and theropes turned wet from the blood seeping out of her wrists. That in turn burned her battered flesh more. Each second Laura was gone was a blessing, and she didn’t want to stop, even with the pain at an unbearable level. Something deep inside told her it was her only chance.
“Finally.” A sob of relief bubbled in her throat a few minutes later as the rope around her right wrist broke. There wasn’t time to stop. With her now freed arm, Abby went to work on her other restraints. It took longer than she wanted to get her other hand free, but once that was done, her legs took almost no time.
Jumping from the chair, she rushed towards the bed, ignoring the slight spin that whirled through her head.
“Abby. Let me see your wrists.”
“Not now,” she choked out. She’d have new scars, but it didn’t matter. Not if John got back to Katy. “Shit, these are tighter than mine were.”
Jumping from the bed, she pulled the drawer open in the nightstand. “Where is your pocket knife? It’s not in here…”
“I took it after I tied him up.” Laura’s laughter filled the room. “You really are full of surprises, you little bitch. Unfortunately for me, that phone call was filled with rather unpleasant news, which means we need to speed this along.”
Her hand flew at Abby, grabbing her head by a fistful of hair and dragging her away from John.
“Let her go!” he roared. Abby twisted and kicked with all her might as Laura hauled her back into the chair.
“Abby. Focus!” She could hear the pleading in his voice. The words snapped her mind back to their training. If they were going to make it out of this, she needed to stop running on emotions and focus on the task at hand. Incapacitate Laura, get John free, find Katy, and get the hell out of there.