Page 9 of Johnathan
“You couldn’t have made it any more obvious what you were trying to do. John wasn’t flirting with me. He was just trying to make sure I was okay.”
“With the way his eyes lit up the minute they landed on you, girl, he wasn’tjustthinking about that.”
“Oh hell,” she groaned.
“So, youdolike him.”
She nodded, feeling heat rush to her face.
“Why does that embarrass you?”
“A man like John Boone is never going to be interested in me. He’s so handsome, and warm. And he’s such a great dad. I keep telling myself to get over it. I just have a misplaced crush that’s not going to go anywhere. It’s mortifying.”
“You’ve got to be kidding right now.” Emma stared at her.
“No. I’m not.”
“Abby. Girlfriend. Come on. He’s interested!”
“No, he’s concerned. He’s always making sure I’m okay. All he sees when he looks at me is that damn scar on my neck.”
“How can he see it if you never wear anything that shows it?”
Abby ripped into the muffin sitting in front of her.
“You can’t tell me you always felt fine having your scars uncovered.”
Emma held out her arms. A hundred different lines covered her skin, all bold reminders of the torture she’d survived at the hands of a madman.
“No. That’s true. I hated them. But Seb worships every inch of me, including my scars. He helped me see that they are a sign of strength, not weakness. Marco took nothing from me. I will not give him that power. You shouldn’t either.”
“Sounds like I just need to get a man who’ll worship me from head to toe.”
“Bingo. And speaking of John…”
Abby groaned. “Emma, you’re seeing something that’s just not there.”
“Come here.” Emma grabbed her hand and pulled her behind the counter. “Mel, I’ll be in the office if you need anything.”
Forcing her through the office door, Emma plopped down on the couch and squeezed the hand she was still holding.
“Listen here. John Boone would be fucking lucky to get a woman like you. He is an amazing father, and a kind man, but you are incredible in your own ways. So don’t you dare shrink yourself because some voice in your head is saying you aren’tenough. Jesus. I’m surprised Sam hasn't had to beat away all the eligible men in Clarence County since you came home.”
“There are no eligible men trying to date me. Aside from the one guy I’ve been talking to on that app, it’s dry as the desert out in my dating world. I think my only option at this point is to marry a lamp post and honeymoon on the street. I’ll dye my hair neon green to really stand out under the light of my new husband.”
Emma laughed and wrapped her arms around her stomach. “Please don’t marry a lamp post.”
“So I should dye my hair green?”
“Purple and pink. It would look so beautiful in your brown hair.”
“Hmm. Maybe I will.”
“So, forget John Boone for now. Tell me more about this dating app guy…”
“Iknow a good mommy for me.”