Page 92 of Johnathan
“Fine. But when she goes to bed, we’re picking this conversation back up.”
John sat on the edge of his bed, and held his head in his hands. He was exhausted. And Abby hadn’t even hesitated to come help. She wanted to be there to comfort Katy. And fuck if that didn’t make his feelings for her clear as day.
John loved her. He’d known that since the first night they were together at the cabin. But watching her sit with Katy curled up on her lap, he realized moments like that were exactly what he’d always dreamed of having for his daughter.
He leaned back, falling onto the mattress with his arm thrown over his eyes. All he needed was a few minutes to rest…
John sat straight up, rubbing his eyes as he tried to get his bearings. The sunlight streaming into the room was golden and dim, a clear sign that he’d been asleep for a few hours. He hadn’t meant to leave Abby on her own with Katy for so long.
A quick trip to the bathroom to splash some water on his face was all the time he allowed himself before heading out to find his girls.
Abby was dancing in his kitchen, a wooden spoon in her hand as she shook her ass and stirred something on the stove top. Jesus, he was getting hard just watching her legs rock her body back and forth to the music that quietly filled the space.
Her legs were bare? What happened to her pants? Actually, what had happened to her clothes? She’d been wearing a red shirt when he left her on the couch, but now she was in a blue one that fit her like a dress. Recognition slammed into him and he fucking couldn’t breathe from the prideful possessiveness that coursed through his veins.
“You’re in my shirt.” His eyes skimmed down her body to her bare legs. “Just my shirt. What happened?”
How that old t-shirt could be the sexiest thing he’d ever seen a woman wear, he didn’t know. Maybe it was more the fact that his woman was wearing it.
His woman.
Something primal inside him loved it so fucking much.
“Oh,” Abby jumped and spun around, blushing. “I hope it’s okay that I borrowed it.”
“Baby, every time I see you in my clothes, I’m reminded how I don’t want to ever see you in anything else.”
“Katy got sick again,” she said, swatting John’s hand away from the perfect curve of her ass. “Poor thing just sat right up on the couch and threw up all over me.”
“Shit. I should go check on her.”
“She’s okay now. I got her cleaned up and settled in her bed. She was out like a light after the first page of the story she picked for me to read. Your couch… well, you might need to get it professionally cleaned. I did my best, but I think it’ll stain.”
“I’m not worried about the couch. Thank you for watching her. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“It was no big deal. I got her to have some sports drink, and I’ve been peeking back into her bedroom to make sure she’s kept it down. I’m glad you were able to rest, too. Can’t have my favorite deputy out of commission. Who will there be to save me?”
John knew she was just joking around, but his stomach lurched at the thought of Abby getting hurtagain.
His hand brushed the back of her head. “I’m sorry I didn’t even think to ask. How are you feeling today?”
“I’m absolutely fine. Doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
“I should be the one taking care of you.”
Abby held up the wooden spoon she was using to stir something on the stove.
“Stop that, right now. Your child is sick. I can understand how your mind would be on making sure she was okay.”
He pulled the spoon from her hand, setting it down before placing his hands on Abby’s waist and lifting her up to sit on the counter. He laughed at her little gasp, pressing his body in between her legs. “You are incredible.”
“I don’t know about that.” She reached up and booped his nose with her finger. Booped it. John laughed. “I hope it’s not a problem that I threw my clothes into your washing machine. The bedding that was in there, I just tossed in the dryer. And, like I promised, I started on dinner.”
“I’m sorry I was gone for so long.”