Page 2 of Wickedly Innocent
“Hard not to be a little jealoussurrounded by all this mushy shit, isn’t it?” a deep voice murmurednext to my cheek. I flinched and gripped my chest as I faced theperson speaking. Damon’s brother, Liam. I’d been so busy in thedepths of my self-pity I hadn’t even seen him come to stand next tome.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startleyou.” He grinned down at me and I couldn’t help the nervous gigglethat rose from my throat.
“It’s okay. And yes, even thoughI’m extremely happy for everyone in this room, I kinda wish theywould all get a different one.” I winced at my awkwardness. “Room,that is, get a different room.” I shook my head to myself.GoodGod, Lindsey, get it together.The first handsome man to speakto me today and I was tripping over my words.
Liam tilted his head back and adeep laugh boomed out of him. I couldn’t stop the smile that spreadacross my face. “I knew what you meant, Lindsey.” He smiled.
“Oh.” I blushed and then fellsilent. This was my problem. I couldn’t handle being around theopposite sex, especially if they were vaguely attractive, and notmake a fool of myself. And Liam was more than vaguely attractive.He was downright hot. From his perfectly coiffed hair anddeep-brown eyes to all those alluring black tattoos, Liam couldhave any woman he desired. I was sure of it.
Well, except for Emily, Isuppose.
I didn’t know the whole story ofLiam and Emily but I wondered if it hurt Liam to watch her and Leotogether. I risked a peek up at him and found him still grinning atall the happy couples, so maybe not.
“Well, what do you say we get thisparty going?” he said as he turned his attention back to me. Inodded hastily and moved to take my place by the big doors that ledto the reception hall.
Liam clapped his hands togetherloudly to get everyone’s attention. “All right, all you perverts,it’s time to get in there and get our drink on.” His raised voicequieted all the murmuring around us. “I for one need a stiff drinkafter witnessing this son of a bitch tie himself to one woman forthe rest of his life. Poor fucker,” he said as he slapped Damon onthe shoulder playfully. I covered my laugh as Damon and Jill bothraised their happy middle fingers at him. Liam snickered as hesauntered back toward me.
The intro music for the weddingparty started to play over the loudspeakers as everyone lined upbehind Liam and me. He intertwined my arm with his as the doorssprang open.
The wedding had been beautiful butthe reception was where all the real planning had been. The roomwas artfully decorated with tables on either side of the makeshiftaisle we were to walk down. Black tablecloths with beautifullycrafted centerpieces dotted the entire area. People that had justcome from the wedding sat at said tables with bright smiles. Thedance floor had been assembled and waxed to perfection. The DJ hadhis huge setup at the far end of the building with all the lightsand speakers you’d be able to find at a rave. The open bar held allof Damon and Jill’s favorites along with top-shelf liquor. This wastopped off with tuxed waiters and waitresses to make the evening gooff without a hitch.
“Nobody knows how to throw a partyquite like a Santos does,” Liam whispered into my ear beforeleading us into the room.
I giggled as he threw his freehand up into the air and started swaying his hips to the beat ofthe song, “Crazy in Love.” He tugged me along with him and I triedto keep the blush from my cheeks as he made a fool of himself.
“Come on, Lindsey. Dance with me,”he shouted over Beyonce’s famous lyrics. I shook my head but hedidn’t take that as an answer as he gripped my hand and twirled mein a circle. The giggle that bubbled up was involuntary as hesettled his hand at my waist.
Fuck it. How often did Iallow myself to act carefree? Never.
I gripped his hand in mine and putmy other one holding the bouquet in the air. I swayed my hips andflipped my hair around as we made our way further into theroom.
“Yeah!” Liam shouted as we bothdanced. I waved at friends and family as we continued, grinninglike a loon.
The music still beat on and Liamcontinued to dance when I saw a flash of gray as I looked out intothe crowd. I sucked in a sharp breath as piercing blue eyes metmine. His hair was still just as dark with the thick speckling ofgray at his temples. His well-manicured goatee was now grown outinto the sexiest short beard. My fingers itched to feel theroughness of that hair. He had ditched the lab coat and was now ina suit that looked specifically tailored for him. Theblack-on-black suit with his blue tie that matched his eyes onlyadded to the masculine beauty that was him. I could see his leanmuscle definition from here and it made my mouth water. The smileon his lips as he watched me, awoke some unknown feeling inside mycore. I felt the urge to clench my thighs together as his gaze ateme up like a tiger stalking its prey.
I blinked to clear my vision asthe image of Dr. Ian Young became clearer.Please tell me I’mjust dreaming.I didn’t remember much besides the fact that Ihad been dancing one moment and the next I’d been knocked out cold.I shook my head back and forth as though that would help me clearthe fog that clouded my brain. I could make out figures standingaround me but not the faces. The only face I could see somewhatclearly was Ian’s. That was when he wasn’t shining that damn lightin my eyes.
“Try not to move, Lindsey.” Hisdeep, sensual voice seemed to cover me like a warm blanket. Ishivered as I felt his hand cup the side of my neck, halting myhead from moving.
I half thought that maybe it wasmy contacts drying out that made it seem like I had tunnel vision.I assessed the man of my dreams with an appreciative glance as mygaze swept across his face.
His medium-length hair was pushedback and to the side in a sexy style. The sides were short but notshaved. I could still see all that glorious grey that speckledthose temples and threaded up into the rest of his dark hair. Sincehe seemed to be kneeling over me, the length of thatsalt-and-pepper hair that was so perfectly pushed back on top, cameloose, and hung slightly over his forehead. My fingers twitchedwith the urge to run them through the deep inky locks.
His short beard had a thickspeckling of grey and perfectly manicured, only enhancing hisalready plump, sensual lips. I studied those lips as they seemed tofrown seriously down at me. I licked mine as if I could ward offthe need to taste his by tasting my own.
My confused gaze climbed his faceuntil I reached those ocean-blue eyes. His pupils dilated as if hewas ultra-focused on his task at hand. Those eyes told a story ofhis life for anyone willing to listen. The slight wrinkling aroundthe edges spoke to his happiness and joy from his constant smilesand laughter. The sheer brightness said he was still full of somuch life. I felt a smile tug at my lips as I realized those eyeshad a bit of green in them as well. So much for being perfect.
Was it weird to be looking forflaws in this man?
“Lindsey, can you hear me?” Thatvoice drew my attention back to his lips as I watched them move.“You hit your head pretty hard. You might have a concussion, Ithink I should take you to the hospital.”
I don’t know what made me say it.Maybe he was right and I was truly concussed. Either that or I hadsexually deprived myself for so long that my lusty brain decided ithad other plans. It was impossible to stop the words from comingout as I smiled up at those lips I wanted to nibble on.
“I could think of a better place Iwould like you totake me,” I slurred.
A gasp registered in my foggybrain as Ian puffed a laugh before a broad grin split his lips. Iwatched with a hungry gaze as he licked those lips before speakingagain.