Page 21 of Wickedly Innocent
I shook my head as I flattened theblanket out and moved onto the pillows. I could tell myself until Iwas blue in the face that I wanted everything he offered. But atthe end of the day, I was going to say no. I meant it when I said Iwouldn’t jeopardize my friendship with Anna.
I held the pillow Ian used lastnight in my hands. It was like I couldn’t stop the compulsive urgeas I brought the softness of it up to my face. I closed my eyes asI inhaled deeply. His smell of pine and the scent that was justhimcoursed through my nose and fogged my already lustybrain.
“Lindsey?” Mom said, causing me tojump back and drop the pillow.
What the fuck is wrong withme?I’d forgotten I was even on the phone, with my mother ofall people, as I’d let thoughts of Ian invade my mind.
“Yeah, sorry … what did you say?”I said as I picked the pillow up from the floor and tossed it onthe bed, slapping it roughly in the process.
“I said, are you having fun?” Shechuckled.
I picked up another pillow andgave it the same treatment. Letting some of my frustration flow outof me and into the feathers. “Oh, yeah. It’s a regular ol’ blast,”I gritted behind clenched teeth. I huffed after finishing andplopped down on the side of the bed, staring at my phone.
My mom was speechless for a beatbefore finally breaking the silence. “You don’t sound like it,” shesaid, concern lacing her voice.
I pulled my hair into a haphazardbun on top of my head before flopping back onto the bed. “No, Imean it, I’m having a good time. It’s just…” I trailed off as Istared at the ceiling fan whirling around and around, searching forthe right words.
Restlessly, I sat up on my elbowsand glanced at my phone again. My mom’s pretty face lit up thescreen along with the bright smiles of Heath and Reid beside her.She looked so happy in that picture. Shewasso happy. And Iwas being a miserable cow.
I always told my mom everything,so why was I stalling now?Rip the bandage off, Lindsey.Ilicked my lips before continuing. “Did you know that Dr. Young isAnna’s dad?” I blurted before sitting up again. It was like Icouldn’t get comfortable until I got this shit off my chest.
The silence on the other end ofthe phone was almost deafening as I waited for my mom to reply. Iheld my breath until she finally spoke. “No, I didn’t know that,”she said and when I remained silent she continued. “Is that aproblem?”
I huffed a humorless laugh as Ipicked at my sweater. “Yes,” I said before glancing at her pictureagain. “Maybe,” I mumbled and then rolled my eyes at myself. “Idon’t know!” I groaned.
Her chuckle across the line mademe less than confident about her lack of knowledge about Ian. Whydo mothers always seem to know the answers to questions before theyeven get asked? “You have feelings for him, don’t you.” It wasn’t aquestion.
I swallowed hard before I nodded,then I remembered she couldn’t see me so I said, “Yes.” The urge toshare everything with her was too much to bear. “Something …happened with him … last night,” I admitted as I winced.
“Heath owes me twenty bucks,” shemuttered so quietly I almost missed it. My mouth dropped open and Iscoffed around a laugh.
“Mom!” I accosted.
“Well, honey, what do you want meto say? You wear your thoughts and emotions right there on yourface. All of us girls knew you had a thing for him.Especiallyafter what happened at Jill’s wedding.” Shelaughed.
“I can’t believe you guys bet onwhether or not I would hook up with him.” I laughed with her now. Iwas mortified but even I had to admit the whole thing wasfunny.
“Jill had one with Damon too.” Shegiggled. “Emily and Leo were the only couple in complete agreementabout it.”
I shook my head in disbelief whileher laughs quieted. As we sobered, guilt started to seep back in.When I was quiet she spoke again.
“So you’re worried about what Annawill think?” she asked quietly.
“I don’t want her to hate me.” Isniffed as I bit back the rising emotion clogging my throat.
“Oh, honey, no. I know Anna, she’sa good girl with a smart head on her shoulders. I think she wouldwant you to be happy no matter who you decide to be with.” Her softvoice soothed the rolling in my gut.
“You think?” I choked.
“Yes, I do. But I think you needto tell her before things get any more serious. It will be betterfor her to find out from you rather than someone else.”
Visions of Melonie telling Annawhat she witnessed last night assaulted me. How awful would it beto have her be the one to break the news to Anna? I shuddered atthe thought.
A light knock sounded at my doorand I glanced at it. I bet it was Anna, ready to start the day.
“Thanks, Mom,” I said as I stood.“You always know how to talk me off the cliff.”
“Hey, when you get back all of usgirls need to get together. We haven’t gotten to celebrate yourbirthday yet,” she said in a rush as I grabbed the phone.