Page 29 of Wickedly Innocent
“Anna!” I screeched with asmile on my lips as I tossed the pillow back to her. She caught itbefore gripping it to her middle and barking a belly laugh.
“First you have a wet dream aboutsomeone named Adrian and now you’re masturbating,” —she made ashame-shamemotion with her fingers—“We’re going to have tocall the church soon, you’re turning into quite the littleslut!”
“Oh!” I huffed as I rushed her andpushed her onto her back as I tumbled down with her. She giggledmadly as I punched her upper arm and lay next to her. I couldn’thelp the smile that formed on my lips as I listened to her laugh.Soon I was giggling with her.
Once she quieted to a chuckle shesat up and slapped my hip before standing. “If you’re done touchingyour delicates, you need to get dressed. We’re going into town forsome shopping after breakfast,” she said as she sauntered towardthe door.
I sat up and gripped the pillow tomy lap as I watched her. I was still smiling when she reached thedoor and turned to face me again. “Don’t forget to wash your hands,pervert,” she teased. I scoffed before chucking the pillow at heragain. She smiled as she dodged it and went on her way down thehallway.
My cheeks burned as I shook myhead and stood. Anna’s sense of humor would forever embarrass theshit out of me but I loved her all the same for it.
I walked to my door and poked myhead out into the hallway before declaring it safe for Ian to comeout. I quickly walked to the bathroom door and gripped the handle.Before I could twist it, it jerked open from the other side and Iangripped me around the wrist. He pulled me into the bathroom andshut the door with a solid thunk before pushing me against it.
I barely had time to catch mybreath before he captured my lips with his. I sighed as I sank intohim. His hands gripped my arms and placed them around hisshoulders. He pushed himself flush against me as he explored mymouth.
“Who’sAdrian?” he askedbetween scorching kisses. I couldn’t help my grin against his lipsat his question.He was jealous.
That brazen feeling I seemed toassociate with him made another appearance as I decided to teasehim. “Just a guy I had a dream about,” I said before I licked hislower lip. His resounding growl rumbled through my core.
“You shouldn’t tease me when I’mthis close to the edge, Bambi,” he threatened deliciously beforegripping my ass and pushing me up the door. My robe opened below mybreasts, exposing my naked lower half.
I had no choice but to put my legsaround him as he held me snuggly to him. I gasped as I felt thehead of his thick cock prod my entrance. I was still so wet fromour earlier activities that he slipped in just the slightestbit.
I sucked in a harsh breath at theforeign feeling. He was so big that it would be a fight when heactually fucked me. Though, I had the feeling it would be abeautiful struggle I would forever remember. I wiggled against himas if tempting him to push further.
His eyes closed and his chestheaved as if the slightest feel of my pussy was enough to unman himcompletely. When he opened his eyes again, the fire I saw burningthere should’ve made me run.
I’d yet to tell him I was avirgin. I was still mulling over whether I needed to tell him atall. Wouldn’t it be better to just get it over with than to talk tohim about the fact that I was still so innocent? I bit my lip tokeep from spilling my guts. Sharing that intimate detail withsomeone when I didn’t know exactly where our relationship washeaded didn’t make much sense to me.
“Who?” he gritted as his handsmoved restlessly against my ass.
Rather than tease him evenfurther, I relented. “You,” I said as I delved my fingers into hishair. When he looked at me curiously I continued. “I had a dreamabout you and I guess when I saidIan, it sounded likeAdrian,” I admitted and to my surprise, I didn’t blush whenI did. Something about having a dick posed to fuck you took awaythe shame that would normally come with such an admission.
Ian’s grin was barbaric as hestared down at me. “You had a wet dream about me?” he asked butdidn’t wait for me to answer before continuing. “What was I doingto you?”
His hands moved from my ass to myhips and further up. As they did, he slowly allowed me to slidedown the door. I tried not to dwell on the crestfallen feeling Igot in my chest as he dislodged himself from me.
“You were…” I trailed off as Istared at his chest. He was a good half-foot taller than me so Iwas at eye level with that impressive part of his anatomy. I toremy gaze away from it before forcing myself to look up and match hisheated stare. “You were getting ready to lick … my pussy,” I saidbefore immediately biting my lip.
I would’ve gotten red andflustered had I not seen the visceral lust cloud his expression.The way he looked at me seemed to embolden me to say things Iwould’ve never said before him.
“Oh, Bambi…” He crowded me againbefore gripping the doorknob and twisting it. He braced his otherhand on the doorframe above my head as if it would stop him fromtouching me. Our time together this morning was coming to an end.He knew I needed to get ready to meet the others soon. “I likelistening to those dirty words come out of your innocent littlemouth. Don’t you worry, I plan on eating you up and fulfillingevery dirty fantasy you could ever have,” he murmured beforekissing me one last time.
I flashed him a sultry grin beforenipping his lower lip. His eyes flared before I ducked under hisarm and twisted away from him. He was still gloriously naked andsporting the biggest erection I’d ever seen when I slid out of thebathroom. I watched him as I retreated with a giggle. He lookedready to pounce on me and I was ready to let it happen.
I thought briefly about shuttingand locking my door again just to have a few more minutes with him.I turned around to do just that when I gasped and came to ascreeching halt.
“Ben?” I spoke breathlessly.
Ben jumped from his spot in frontof my open suitcase and turned to face me hastily. His face flushedred as he gripped his hands behind his back. His eyes looked wildas if he hadn’t expected me to be in here.
“H-hey there, Lindsey Bug!” hesaid overenthusiastically.
Panic lodged in my gut like a ballof lead as I looked over my friend. He was dressed for the day injeans and a red sweater that looked too hot. He had a fine sheen ofsweat that coated his forehead and upper lip. His chest roseharshly as his eyes darted between me and my bathroom door.
Was Ian still hiding?Iknew the door was still open but I didn’t dare turn around to seeif he stood there. If I looked and he wasn’t there, then Ben wouldonly be suspicious.Fuck.
“What are you doing?” I spokeloudly as if Ian would hear me and stay put.