Page 33 of Wickedly Innocent

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Page 33 of Wickedly Innocent

I didn’t realize how close he wasto me until I felt his hand circle my waist and bring an end to mypower walk. I hissed and tried to pull out of his embrace but hedidn’t relent as he brought me flush to his front. “Where are yourunning off to, Little Bambi?”

I’m not sure why, but his nicknamereally rubbed me the wrong way at that moment. Maybe it was becauseof Melonie’sfrumpycomment or maybe it was because I wasalready feeling so frustrated by how this day was going. Whateverthe reason, I snapped.

I whirled around in his arms andpushed at his chest. A look of pure confusion crossed his handsomefeatures before he released me. “Stop calling me that! I’m notlittle if you haven’t noticed. I’m clearly in need of a diet andyou just keep reminding me of it,” I seethed as I stared up athim.

Once again, this new Lindsey madean appearance as I watched anger flare in his eyes. I didn’t moveor back down from him as he crowded me. He gripped me around mywaist and hauled me to him as he stepped forward. I didn’t evenrealize he was moving me until my ass hit the edge of a table. Itwas darker in this part of the bookstore as it was so far away fromthe sunny windows in the front. There were no prying eyes back herewith us.

Ian threaded his hand into theback of my hair and pulled. I tried to ignore the flood of arousalthat zapped to my core as he forced me to look up at him. I keptthe scowl on my lips as he hovered over mine. He stared into myeyes with that dark look I’d come to crave.

“Hear me now,Little Bambi.I’ve been extremely gentle with you because I didn’t want to scareyou off but if I ever hear you talk about your body like thatagain, I won’t hesitate to bend you over this table and spank thatnasty self-hatred out of your ass.”

I gasped at his words. Nobody hadever spoken to me like this. I had a feeling the old Lindseywould’ve feared his dark promise. But this person I was becomingcraved everything he said and more.

His other hand moved to the knotof my sash and skillfully untied it. He slipped past the thickgarment and blazed a trail down my belly toward the top of myjeans. “If you’re angry about something I did, then by all meansrip me a new asshole,” he growled against my lips as his fingersunbuttoned the top of my jeans. I whimpered from the coolness ofhis touch as he met my overheated flesh. “But don’t you talk aboutthis body like that ever again,” he threatened.

I gripped his coat as his fingerspushed past my panties. He stared at my lips as my breath shudderedout of me rapidly. The moment his cool fingers brushed over mythrobbing clit my knees buckled.

“I want to worship this body,” hewhispered as he slid his fingers through my wetness. I bit my lipto squelch the moan I felt raising.Was I really going to allowthis to happen here?“I want to love this body the way itdeserves to be loved.” He groaned as if he was getting the samepleasure I was from his touch. “I want to own this body. And Idon’t let anyone talk badly about my belongings,” he said before heremoved his hand from me.

I nearly whined as he released myhair and pulled away from me. He stared at me with such heat in hiseyes, I thought I might melt under the scrutiny. He kept eyecontact as he raised his fingers that were just playing with me tohis waiting mouth. My mouth fell open on a breath as he sucked thedigits inside and groaned as if the taste of me was a delicacy.

He stepped further away from meand I became mesmerized watching the way his body worked to shrugoff his heavy coat before throwing it on the table behind me. Hewore a tightly fitted grey long-sleeve shirt underneath that Iwanted to remove for him. I was on the verge of begging him to keepgoing when he turned from me.

He gripped a thick black curtainand slid it closed, sealing us off from the rest of the store.That’s when I realized we were in a research cove at the back ofthe building. I’d only ever seen these rooms in libraries. Thisstore must double as one and I just hadn’t realized it.

“This is how this is going to go,”Ian’s deep voice sounded thick with lust as he turned back towardme. My heart pounded in my chest mightily as I watched him raisehis sleeves up his tightly corded forearms. “You are going to rideout that anger coiling in your gut and then we are going to talkabout where we go from here on out.”

My chest labored as I watched himprowl closer to me. I leaned heavily against the table with eachstep he took. Said anger coiling inside of me was slowly fizzlinginto something much deeper, much darker. “How exactly do you expectme to ride out anything when you’re still near me?” I breathed ashe stepped into my space.

The grin that spread over his lipsmade my pussy clench in anticipation. He gripped the sash off mycoat and pulled it through the loops holding it in place with asnap I felt echoing in my core. “We’re going to finish what westarted this morning, Bambi. You’re going to ride out that angeragainst my tongue,” he growled. He pushed my coat from my shouldersand it slid silently from my body, sending a shiver down my spine.“Lose the jeans,” he demanded as his hands slid toward mybreasts.

I stared up into his eyes to seeif he was being serious.He had to be joking, right?We werein a bookstore with others in the same building. There’s no way Icould allow this to happen.

When I opened my mouth to protesthe gripped my breasts in those big hands before tweaking myhardened nipples. I hissed as the pain flashed through me andquickly turned to heat. “Now,” he ordered. His fingers moved tograze over me now where he’d just pinched. His softness after theharshness of his pinch made me crave more.

I trembled from the adrenalinecoursing through my body as I moved my hands to my already undonejeans. I leaned into him and kept eye contact as I shoved the denimdown my thighs, leaving my panties in place. The heavy fabricgathered at my ankles before I slipped my shoes from my feet andstepped out of them completely.

Ian’s smile was feral as he rakedmy body in an appreciative gaze. “That’s my good girl,” he murmuredand I felt my whole body flush from his praise. My lips twitchedwith the grin I tried to hide. I didn’t know if it was his praiseor the fact that he called mehis, but I wanted to doanything I could at that moment to earn it again.

“Sit on the table,” he said and Iimmediately obeyed. I pushed myself up and scooted back until myfeet were no longer touching the floor. It was as though I waswatching myself from far away as I waited for his next command.“Spread them,” he ordered as he stepped away from me, taking hisheat with him.

Unlike this morning, I didn’thesitate as I spread my thighs. In the back of my mind, I knew thevision I was making for him. I knew when I sat like this my thighslooked bigger than normal and my belly hung lower. I knew I didn’tlook skinny. But for some reason, I didn’t care. Because the way hewas looking at me made me feel like the sexiest woman in theworld.

I spread myself wide andimmediately felt the chilled air brush against my wet panties. Ipushed my chest out and leaned against the table with my handsbehind me. His hooded gaze ate up every inch of my body and it waslike I could feel every place he looked at me heat under hisscrutiny.

“Beautiful,” he said before hegripped the back of a nearby chair and slid it over. He carefullyplaced it right in front of me as he kept his eyes plastered on me.My heart thundered in my chest as he stood next to me.

I turned my head to look at himjust before he brought his lips to mine. His kiss was short andleft me wanting more as he pulled away. He held my coat’s sash inhis hands in front of me and I suddenly realized why he took it.“Open.”

The one word was not misconstruedas something else as I opened my mouth for him. He grinned at me asthough my knowing exactly what to do pleased him greatly. Heslipped the sash past my lips and gently pulled it around my head.My breath left me in labored pants as he tied it firmly. He leanedinto my ear as he finished. “So you aren’t too loud, wouldn’t wantanyone to know what we’re doing back here, would we, Bambi?” hewhispered before nipping my earlobe. I jerked and moaned from thesharp ache he inflicted.

He rounded in front of me andsmoothly slid into the chair. His hands glided from my knees up mytrembling thighs. I watched every move he made, I wanted tomemorize this moment. The moment I let go of my inhibitionscompletely and just … felt.

His eyes were trained on my pussyas his hands met the apex of my thighs. He hummed his appreciationas his thumb grazed over my clit covered in the soft cotton of mypanties. “You’re so wet, Lindsey. For me?” he asked but I knewthere was only one answer he was looking for.

Since I couldn’t speak with thesash in my mouth I simply nodded. Hoping I conveyed my unspokenwords with my eyes.Yes, Sir.

He flashed me a devious smile ashis fingers slid against the seam and delved inside. I whimpered ashe spread me under the fabric before pulling it out of the way. Thecold air of the room hugged my slick folds as he exposed me to hisview. Something about him not taking the time to fully remove mypanties made me feel like I was in an inferno.

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