Page 45 of Wickedly Innocent
I voiced my opinion but Anna shookher head before continuing. “That’s the thing, the way they wereacting tonight … I thinkBenused her.” She shuddered as ifthe thought was unsettling.
I frowned but said nothing,willing her to continue. “I caught them talking to each othermultiple times. Melonie was pissed about something and Ben actedlike … a fuck toy … like he didn’t give a shit that she was mad athim. I overheard him say to her that she was just an easy lay andshe needed to get over it because it would never happen again.” Sheshook her head. “I just didn’t think he had that in him. I mean, Iknow I call him a stalker, but I always thought he was, I don’tknow, harmless.” She shrugged.
She did have a point, Ben hadalways seemed like a harmless flirt. He’d always been respectful towomen anytime he was around any. Sure, he and Anna had their littlespats, but he was never mean. If he truly did shut Melonie downearlier, that would explain why she suddenly became hot and heavytoward Ian. She was on the prowl for a rebound.
“Maybe I should talk to him,” Ireasoned and started to uncover my legs.
“No,” Anna and Ian said at thesame time. I stared between the two of them as they looked my way.Both of their eyes were hard in a way that was not to be arguedwith. If Anna thought it was weird of her dad to tell me no, shedidn’t show it as she stood from the sofa.
“Let them figure their own dramaout, it’s none of our business if he called her the wrong namewhile he was porking her,” she said. She picked up her discardedcoat and walked toward her room.
“What?” I asked, shocked.
Anna nodded. “I overheard her saysomething about it so I assume that’s why she was pissed at him. Idon’t know whose name he said but it was evidently someone shedoesn’t like.” She shrugged again before she turned to walk away.“I’m beat, I’m going to shower and go to bed. Night.”
She disappeared down the hall andI was left reeling in her wake. I almost felt bad for how I talkedto Melonie now. Even if she did deserve everything I said to her,she had obviously been trying to cope with the disappointment Benhad laid on her.What’s wrong with him?That was thequestion that bounced around my head as I stared blankly at thespot Anna had disappeared from.
How he was acting on this trip was… he’d never acted like this. He was my friend but I was beginningto wonder why. I didn’t like to surround myself with people whowere mean and malicious to others. Maybe I needed to reevaluate ourfriendship after all.
I was pulled from my thoughts byIan as he gripped my thigh above the blanket. I swiveled my head inhis direction as he stood. He held his hand out for me and helpedme stand. I laid my book on top of the discarded blanket before hepulled me to him. He hugged my body flush to his before kissing melightly.
“Let’s go to bed, Bambi,” hemurmured against me. “We can deal with your friend in the morning,”he said as if reading my mind.
I nodded as I went on my tiptoesto capture his lips once more. He pulled away before I wanted toand gripped my hand in his. I let him lead me to my room as I letthe rest of my thoughts fall away. I wanted to be with him rightnow and not think of any drama that would be waiting on me fortomorrow.
Chapter Twenty-One
“Hmm, I could get used to this,” adeep voice rumbled over my belly as I stretched. I arched my backsleepily as my eyes fluttered open. Early morning light trickled inthrough the windows as big soft hands trailed up my sides, climbinghigher with each second. The warm palms slid under my top on theirascent, causing the soft fabric to rumple around his wrists.
I smiled and stifled a yawn as Irealized whose hands they were. They were none other than the manof my dreams, the star in every fantasy, Dr. Ian Young. I grinneddown at my lover with a soft gaze and my breath caught in mychest.
He was between my legs, havingalready made a place for himself under the thin white sheet thatcovered us. I could see his naked golden-toned chest underneath.The starkness of his tanned skin against the crisp sheets made myfingers itch to touch him. His hands climbed higher as I watchedhis sensual mouth crease with a wicked grin. His hair was ruffledfrom sleep and his features looked softer as he gobbled me up withhis hungry stare.
I arched into his hands as theycupped my heavy breasts, his thumbs lightly grazing my tightenedpeaks. He pushed my shirt up to my neck, exposing me completely tohis working fingers. Heat flashed through my body straight to mysex as if his fingers were magical. He strummed me like a finelytuned instrument as his soft lips kissed the swell of my belly.
For once, I didn’t stop to comparemyself to skinnier girls. I simply laid back and enjoyed his littletouches and soft kisses. I reveled in the feel of his rough bearddragging against the sensitive flesh of my belly. I bit my lip tostop the whimper that tried to escape as he lightly pinched mynipples.
His mouth played along my midriffas he worked me into a tizzy. I could feel a solid throb forming inmy core that called for some part of him to touch. I wanted hisfingers, his mouth, his cock. I wanted it all. I squirmed as histongue dipped into my navel, the caress mimicking itself lower.
He chuckled against me, elicitinggooseflesh to rise up my whole body. “Do you want to play, Bambi?”he rumbled.
“Yes,” I breathed instantaneously.I didn’t want to waste any time with pleasantries. I wanted him tokeep touching me and so much more.
He chuckled again as I felt histeeth graze the seam of my panties. Thankfully, I’d gone to bedlast night in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and panties. Theoutfit made his early morning exploring all the easier.
I tilted my head up to look overhis hands still plucking at me to see his wicked grin. He lookeddown at my cotton-covered sex with that same appreciative smilebefore lowering. I jerked as he firmly ran his nose from my centerup to my clit. I could feel myself clench as if begging formore.
“I can see how wet you areunderneath these,” he murmured before he latched his mouth over mythinly covered clit.
I cried out softly as I shoved myhands into the rumpled sheets surrounding me. Just the ghost of hishot mouth on me was about to send me over the edge. I could feelhis tongue move against my bundle of nerves through the fabric,causing me to beg for more.
“Please,” I whimpered.
He groaned against me and thefeeling vibrated up into my core. I could feel another wave ofliquid arousal soak my panties. His fingers teased my nipples onelast time before he trailed his hands down to my center. He spreadmy thighs apart with those big hands until I was completelyvulnerable to him. When he pulled his mouth away from me I nearlyprotested before he fingered the inside seam of theundergarment.
“Please, what?” he asked as hepushed the wet fabric to the side. I don’t know why I found it soincredibly hot when he didn’t take the time to remove them fully.Like he couldn’t take the time to properly dispose of them beforehis need to see me overtook him. “Please kiss this pretty pinkcunt?”
I shivered at his dirty words. Inodded as words evaded me. I wanted his kisses, his licks, and hisnibbles. I craved everything he could give me.