Page 60 of Tempt Me

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Page 60 of Tempt Me

Brushing pasther,hewalked backintohisapartmentand looked around. HesawGigi everywhereinthere.Goddamn Chelsea.

“Whowasthe girl,Max?Shewasa littleyoung for you,don’tyouthink?”

“Erin’snanny,”hereplied,notbitingat herother dig. Heturned toher. “You remember Erin, don’tyou?She’syour daughter;youknow,theoneyou walkedouton?”

Chelsea’shaughtyexpression faltered,herregretpeeping through.Thebitch doeshavea heart, afterall,Maxthought.


“Still alive,nothankstoyou,”hesnarled. Hewanted to gotoErin’sroomand pick her up—hold her closetohim—buthe didn’twantChelseatoseeher. Shehad given up therightto haveanything todowith theirdaughter thesecond she’d decided shewasgoing toleave.

“Can I seeher?”

Hell-fucking-no. “Isthatwhyyou camehere,whyyoutrackedme down?”

“Imadeamistake,Max.”Shewaswearing her repentancelikea couture gown now,but Max could seethrough itall. Shewanted something fromhim. The question nowwas,whatwasit?

“It’stoolateforthat,Chelsea. You madeyour decision. You can damnwell livewith it.”

Shewalked towardshim,her eyesfixed and hungry. Sheran a handover hisbareshoulder, pulling himdownsoshecould whisper in hisear. “Ican livewith thedecision,butI knowyoucan’t livewithoutme,Max.We’reso good together;wealwayshavebeen.”Hertonguedartedoutand ran around theshellof hisear,her lipswrapping around thelobe.

Maxgentlypushedheroffhimand walked afew pacesaway. “Weweregoodtogether, Chelsea—pasttense.”

Herexpressionflickered toannoyance.“We’remarried. Wehaveachild together.”

“You’reright.Wearemarried,butthatcan bechanged. And if youtakemetocourtto get custody ofErin,Ican guaranteeI’ll fight you. You would nevergeta judgetorulein your favor anyway. You left your thenfour-month-olddaughter alonein themiddleof the night.”Fuck,he needed togetdressed. Having thisconversation innothing buta towel didn’treallyscreamserious. Stalking off inthedirectionof hisbedroom,heattempted toget dressed quickly,buthisspine stiffenedwhen heheard hermovetothedoorway.

“There’snorush togetdressed sosoon,Max. It’sbeen a long time.I thoughtwecould get reacquainted.”

“Getout ofmybedroom,”hesnarled,notbotheringtoturn around. Hecouldn’tstand thesight of her.Therewasonly onewoman hewasinterested in now,and shehad justrun outon him. But hewasdeterminedto getherback. Chelsea reachedaround him,palming hiscockthrough the towel.“Whatareyoudoing?”hebitout.

“Making you feel good,baby.”Shepressedher breastsintohisback,rubbing themagainst him.

“I’m notinterested,”hereplied. Pulling her hand away,headded, “And neither ismydick.”

Her expressionturned arctic. “You’refucking thatgirl,aren’tyou?”Her demandmadehisfingers twitch.

“Even if Iwere,I don’tsee howthat’sanyof your business. Youleftus,remember?”

“And I alreadysaid thatImadeamistake. Iwanttocomebackto you and Erin. Iwantustobea familyagain.”

Maxknew heshould haveatleasttriedwithChelsea,butcouldn’tthinkaboutit now. Hewas too angry. Dropping histowel,hestepped intoa freshpair of jeansand pulled ateeover his head. He didn’tgiveafuckthatChelsea wastherewatching him. Brushing pasther,hewenttocollectErin and strapped her intoher stroller. Speakingover his shoulder,hesaid toChelsea, “Iwantyou gone bythetimeI getback.”

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