Page 4 of Ruthless Mafia Daddy
“Got a boyfriend? you want to make jealous?” he asked, his eyes not leaving my boobs.
“Do we have a deal?”
“I’ll be right behind you.”
A sultry smile stretched my red-painted lips. “Perfect.”
I climbed to the stage, feeling all eyes burning into me as I moved my body to the rhythm of the music. If I didn’t already have a job, I was certain I’d be in Julliard or somewhere, making the most of my time. I danced for a bit, letting my hands roam around my body as I moved to every beat. Soon, I felt a warmbody press into me, and I leaned into him, grinding slowly against him.
Leather jacket knew how to dance, and he hit every beat with me. I counted to fifty to make our chemistry a bit convincing before trying to pull away, and he yanked me back into him with so much force I almost lost my footing.
“Let go of me.” I seethe, my eyes burning with all the hatred I could muster.
“Think you can wind up on me like that and leave without giving me a little something, huh?” His voice was loud and angry, and I was certain he’d leave a bruise with the way he gripped my wrist.
We were gathering a little crowd at this point, and I knew all we needed was a little more angst to push me in the right direction. So, I raised my voice, “I don’t owe you anything, you piece of shit!”
Leather jacket’s grip on me tightened, and he tried to pull me off the stage with him.
“Let me go!” I screamed, scratching at his arms.
Security arrived soon, and they tried to pry his arms off me while he gripped me tightly, accusing me of being a tease.
He was doing a fine job. He had me convinced for a moment he was actually trying to drag me out of the club for himself.
“What is going on here?” A cold voice reached my ears before I could see the owner, sending goosebumps through me.
“Good evening, Don.” One of the security men said, and I bit back the smug smile forming on my lips before turning.
My stomach did the flippy thing. Before me stood Mikhail Ivanov, all 6’3” of him poured into a perfectly tailored suit. He looked nothing like the picture I was given. Sure, he was handsome in the picture, but it did little justice to his chiseled features and dark eyes.
“Let go of her,” he ordered in a calm but menacing voice, and leather jacket dropped my hand like it was on fire.
I am a very simple man. What I love, I deeply indulge, and what I hate, I completely abhor. At the top of the list of things I greatly abhor is witnessing a woman manhandled in public.
My meeting with Viktor was stretching a lot longer than I planned, and I was almost bored out of my mind till I looked down and saw her. Dressed in a red dress that clung to her curves like a desperate lover, she was the most mesmerizing woman I’d ever seen. She was the only one on the dance floor, and she had the audience by the neck, commanding their attention with the sway of her hips.
The voices of the men negotiating in the VIP room faded into a dull hum. I could only see her.
I watched with complete fascination until some rough-looking guy appeared behind her, grabbing her hips in an all-too-familiar manner.
She chuckled and leaned into him and my fascination was watered down. I forced my attention from her and returned it to Adam, who was still droning about how his company was worth more than we were offering.
Just as we were about to seal the deal, a loud commotion erupted in the dancehall, tearing our attention from the negotiations. And the sight playing out on the dancehall sent my blood a goodten degrees hotter. I pride my clubs as exclusive establishments that only provide membership cards to carefully selected clients. Watching a man harass a woman in my club in the presence of my new partners was a huge embarrassment to me, and I stormed out of the VIP room, ready to wreak havoc on the bastard.
She was practically fighting her way out of his arms, but the bastard wouldn’t let her go. Not even my security personnel could tear him away from her.
Rage bubbled inside, sending my blood a few degrees hotter. I could only see red, and it wasn’t the red dress on the lady. “Let go of her,” I ordered, my blood simmering in my veins. I had expected a bit of resistance from him, but his hands dropped at the sight of me. He wasn’t so stupid after all.
“Take him away,” I ordered, disgust etched on my face.
I turned to the woman to find her clutching her reddened wrist. She looked like she was about to cry. “I’m sorry about that, I don’t know how the son of a bitch got in here, but I promise it won’t happen again,” I said, walking towards her. She lifted a brow in a questioning manner, and I figured she had no idea who I was. “Mikhail Ivanov, club owner,” I said, stretching out my arm.
“I’ll make sure he’s taken care of, and an event like that never repeats itself.” At a closer range, she was a lot more breathtaking than I thought. She had the bluest eyes, perfectly slanted and giving her a feline look. Her painted red lips looked like they took a dip in blood, and I wanted to taste them so badly.