Page 100 of The Bait
“But what?”
“But there was nothing left. No family, no home. Everyone was dead, killed in the war. I thought learning you had a family only to know they were gone would be too much. You had already been through so much. I wanted to protect you. I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t your decision to make,” Asher said, his voice just a whisper.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Yunho sobbed. “I couldn’t bear the thought of hurting you. I’m so sorry, darling. I was going to tell you one day, but I was never brave enough. The longer I left it, the harder it was. And then you met Harry and you were finally happy. Forgive me, Asher, please. I’m so sorry.”
Asher was quiet for a long few seconds. He didn’t say Yunho was forgiven, and Yunho seemed to understand that he wasn’t.
“The Milvus files,” Asher said, his voice calm. “You knew what that was years before us.”
“I contracted a lot of agents,” Yunho said. “Kites, like Harry. I knew where most of them were at any given time, who they were working for, who they were contracted to kill.”
This made sense to Harry, as harsh a reality as it was.
But that wasn’t Asher’s point, clearly. He spoke through clenched teeth. “You had information on Harry.”
Yunho’s head shot up, his good eye open wide. “Of course I did. Did you think I was going to let anyone get close to you that I didn’t have a complete history on? Asher, I needed to know he wouldn’t hurt you.”
“He’s not the one who hurt me,” Asher whispered. “You are.”
Yunho stared at him, then his ruined face crumpled. He sobbed, and clung to his side, his breaths ragged. “I’m sorry, my Asher. I’m so very sorry.”
The nurse came back in, scowling at Asher and putting a sympathetic hand on Yunho’s shoulder. “You need to rest,” she said. Then her curt glare cut to Asher, then toHarry. “You both need to leave.” She pressed Yunho’s meds button and he calmed down in seconds.
Asher stood up and took Yunho’s hand. “I’ll come back and see you tomorrow,” he said quietly. “I can’t forgive you. Not yet. I need time, and we need to talk a lot more. But I’m not leaving you. I love you, Yunho. I’m not leaving you.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Yunho’s forehead. “I’ll see what I can find out about Lucas and let you know.”
Yunho blinked slowly, tears running silently down his bruised cheeks.
Asher turned and he never said a word as he pushed Harry back to their room.
Exhaustion crept over Harry and he couldn’t shake it. For fuck’s sake. He’d been out of bed for half an hour and was about to drop off. He couldn’t imagine if he’d walked instead of using the chair.
Maybe the wheelchair wasn’t so bad. Maybe the doctors knew what they were talking about. Not that Harry would tell them that...
When Harry was settled on his bed, he offered the little spoon spot to Asher.
Asher climbed up, buried his face into Harry’s neck, and cried.
“You sure youwant to do this?” Harry asked. He wanted to save Asher from pain at all costs. Whatever it took.
Asher gave him a sad smile. “I need to do this.”
“Okay.” Harry understood. He really did. Asher did need to do this. And so did Yunho. But it wasn’t withoutpain, and all Harry could do was reassure him. “I’ll be right beside you, baby.”
When they arrived, Harry was surprised to see Yunho showered, his hair still damp and brushed back. He looked more put together, more like himself.
His face looked sore and battered. He was bruised and cut all over, Harry noticed. A lot like Harry’s injuries. Those assholes learned the same torture skills.
“Harry,” Yunho said, swallowing hard. “Sorry for not greeting you properly yesterday. You’re in a wheelchair,” he said. “And your shoulder...”
Harry still wore the sling, and he would for a while yet.
“I’m fine,” Harry replied. “The chair isn’t my idea. Are... are you okay, Yunho?”
Yunho’s eyes became glassy, and he patted down his hair with trembling hands. “Well, yes... not really. I don’t like it here. I want to go home, but I won’t leave without Lucas.”
It was pretty damn obvious that Yunho’s anxiety meds were strong. The sharpness in his eyes and the clarity of his words were now dulled and slow.