Page 106 of The Bait
“Shit,” August hissed, hurrying to get up. He was at the front counter by the time the door opened.
Michael and Joshua Hill walked in, smiling when they saw August. “Hello,” August said, feeling stupid the second the word left his lips. Joshua had faded bruising around his left eye, and Michael had his arm in a padded sling, faded bruising and healing cuts all over his face and hands.
What the hell had happened to them?
“You’re back,” August added.
“We are,” Joshua said, grinning. “And we’d love to chat, but I was hoping... My Mala; is she okay?”
August almost laughed. “She’s fine. Queen of the house, actually.” He glanced at Deans, realising she had no clue what they were talking about. He and Jake had never told anyone they were minding Joshua’s cat or that Michael and Joshua had dropped her off in the middle of the night after they’d not-so-allegedly disposed of those three men. “Jake’s at home. We can go there right now.”
Joshua was excited. “Yes, please.”
August grabbed his coat and mumbled to Deans to call Jake as he followed Michael and Joshua out.
Jake met them at the door, smiling warily. His eyes asking Augustwhat the fuckas the three of them stepped inside. “They’re here for Mala,” August said.
A little bell tinkled as Mala trotted in and Joshua scooped her up, pressing his face into her fur, cooing, a little teary-eyed. “Thank you for keeping her safe,” he said.
Michael rubbed Joshua’s back, watching him fondly.
“She’s been a joy,” Jake said. “Scarlet wasn’t sure at first but even she warmed to her.” Then he looked atMichael, obviously taking in the cuts and the brace. “Oh, Michael, is your arm okay?”
The big man smiled. “Shoulder, actually. And yeah, it’s fine. But, uh, about the name. It’s not Michael.” He held out his hand for August to shake. “The name’s Tim Harrigan, but people call me Harry.”
Holy shit.
“And I’m Asher Garin,” Joshua said...Ashersaid. He shook Jake’s hand, then August’s. “I want to show you something.” He handed Mala over to Harry, pulled out his wallet, produced a NSW driver’s licence, and almost bouncing, he handed it to Jake. “Look,” he said excitedly. “It has my real name.”
Jake took it, reading it over, then handed it to August. It was just a driver’s licence. August didn’t quite understand his excitement. “Did you not have one before? Because you used to drive...”
Asher pulled a face. “Well . . .”
Harry laughed. “You don’t get it,” he said. “That’s his actual name. Asher Garin.”
Asher looked up at him, his eyes warm. “My real name. The only name I’ve ever known.”
Harry kissed the side of his head. “It’s kind of a big deal,” Harry said, giving August a pointed look.
“Oh,” August said quickly. “Then that’s wonderful.” He handed the plastic card back to Asher.
Asher took it, putting it pride of place in his wallet. Then he took out his Medicare card and beamed at them. “I’m an Australian citizen. I have a birth certificate and papers. And this!” He looked at the green-coloured card with huge, happy eyes. He showed it to them proudly. “It has my name on it. And my birthday is April ninth. My real birthday.”
Okay, so August very quickly deduced that having his name, his real name, on legal documents was a very big deal. And his birthday. Did he not have one before now? “I’m happy for you, Asher.”
Asher’s smile was worth it. And the way Harry looked at Asher so proudly made August’s heart squeeze.
Yes, he knew who they were, what they were capable of. Yet he still liked them. “I’m glad you’re both back, safe and well. And you’re staying?”
Asher nodded quickly. “Yes. We just want to go home and live in peace and quiet.”
Jake grinned. “August’s two favourite words.”
“We, uh,” Harry cleared his throat. “We might get some media attention, now that our names are out there. The media might come to town, just so you know. There’s a legal case ongoing that we can’t really talk about. But I promise we won’t cause any trouble. We just want...” He made a face.
“Peace and quiet?” August guessed for him. “Actually, my two favourite words are boring and mundane, but peace and quiet works.”