Page 108 of The Bait
August snorted. “Thanks.”
Then Jake smiled. “I’m gonna miss little Mala. Maybe we should get a kitten.”
“Also a no.”
“I do outrank you, technically,” Jake said, sniffing. August shot him a look, making Jake laugh. “Deans called, gave me the heads up that you were on your way with them.”
“Thought you might appreciate it.”
Jake tilted his head, thinking. “You know, now that I think about it, my kookaburras didn’t warn me before they got here.”
They had every time before, that was true.
August went to the back door, not sure what he was expecting to see, but there were no kookaburras. “Do you think they’re okay?”
Jake chuckled. “Yeah. I also think that maybe Harry and Asher aren’t a danger to us anymore. Somehow.”
August’s eyes met his. “They seemed kinda different, didn’t they?”
“Relaxed, like whatever they were fighting is over. Did you see how happy Asher was about his name and birthday?”
August smiled sadly. “Yeah. Makes you wonder, huh? What kind of life he’s had.”
Jake nodded. “More reason for him to join the cricket team.”
August withheld a sigh and walked to the door. “I’m going back to work. Love you.”
“I’m getting another kitten. Love you too!” he called back.
August didn’t even pause. He didn’t mind. If Jake wanted another ten cats, he wouldn’t object. He might gripe about it and pretend to be annoyed, but he had to admit, snuggling on the couch on a cold winter night with Jake, blankets, the wood fire raging, and two cats? It sounded kinda nice.
Jake was probably googling animal shelters before August got back to his desk.
“Everything all right?” Deans asked when August walked back into the station.
He fell into his seat with a sigh and a smile. “Yep. Everything’s just fine.”
Rhett Ouston dumped his duffle bag on the floor, and the suit bag onto the large bed in the oversized guest room, and went to the window overlooking the turquoise Pacific Ocean.
Beautiful and luxurious didn’t begin to describe this place.
Tropical, private, remote.
Jay Lin came up behind him, his touch warm and familiar. He pressed his lips to Rhett’s shoulder blade, then lifted Rhett’s arm and squeezed himself into his side, holding Rhett’s arm over his shoulder. He fit so perfectly under his arm. All five foot four against Rhett’s six feet two, Jay was the perfect size for him.
“Can you believe he owns this whole freaking island?” Jay asked, looking out to the view.
Rhett snorted. “Can’t believe anyone owns a whole freaking island.”
“Have you seen my favourite cranky tank yet?”
Rhett snorted. “You gotta stop calling him that or you’ll say it to his face and he won’t find it funny.” To be fair, hewasa tank, and hewascranky...