Page 10 of Always Meant To Be
I need all the ammo I can get so she actually wants to spend time with me. So far, in the past two years, she's been forced to even be in the same room with me. She never makes eye contact or speaks to me, all while Liliya hangs off my fucking arm.
"Does Elena know her sister is dressed like that?" Leonardo asks curiously, and I look at him to see that even he's staring daggers at Liliya, but that's expected.
My little brother loves Elena like a sister. At most parties she's forced to attend by my side, he becomes her protector, even from her sister. Fuck, he's even helped her with her tests at school.
I'd be jealous if I didn't know he fucks a nurse on the regular, trying to punish some girl at the college my soon-to-be wife attends, who wants nothing to do with him.
It's also how I knew a professor tried to corner Elena after hours and frightened her. The girl confided in my brother after she saw Elena knee his balls before running out of the room with tears in her eyes, worried for her and the repercussions, knowing that certain professor would have her charged for assault.
Safe to say, the fucker is now six feet under, after he squealed and admitted to threatening her grades if she didn't suck him off like her sister did.
I go to speak, but Antonio opens his mouth and states, "Right now, that shouldn't be his biggest problem. My fucking wife walked down the aisle in a black dress; he needs to hope and pray Elena doesn't do that." I raise a brow, and he shrugs. "I sawthe way she was grinning at Maya when she was dragged down the aisle toward me, she may have been given some ideas."
I smirk, looking out at the guests again, before side-eyeing him. We both know Elena won't wear black. That first day in her father's office, she was fiery, yes, but she’d been given a massive fucking shock, and since then, she has calmed down. Her main focus has been on school.
It's how her father has managed to keep control of her, but only succeeded in pushing her away further.
Antonio's eyes go to his wife, and he narrows them, and mumbles, "The bitch cut holes in all my fucking pants last night. I don't know what her problem is."
I grin. The fucker has been married for two months, and so far, it's not going very well for them.
"You fucked a stripper the night you got married," I remind him.
He shrugs, not at all fazed by his infidelity, and replies, "And? She made it clear, a week after our wedding, that she fucks around, so why not. She hates me, and I hate her. Our marriage is one made in hell. Let's just hope you have a better one, brother."
I sigh as I look toward his wife whose head is down, looking at her wedding ring with sorrow.
"Fratello, you're an idiot.” I look his way. “Your marriage is fucked because she sat in the tub all night, listening to you fuck some whore."
His eyes widen, and I shrug one shoulder. "Turns out women talk. Maya told her aunt, who told her mother, who told our mother, who called our father. After being questioned so much over the past few months as to why she hasn't made an effort with you, she mentioned what you did and how she stayed in the bathroom until you both passed out. She told you she's fucking around to punish you,fratello."
He groans, mumbling, "Ah, fucking shit," making me chuckle.
I state, "You have a lot of work on your hands, Antonio, because through the women’s grapevine, Maya is looking for a way out of your contract, even if it means betraying her father.” He whips his head toward his wife, a look crossing his face that I can’t decipher. I shake my head, my eyes going to Liliya, who’s licking her lips at me yet again, and I say, “And as for my bride-to-be, I doubt our marriage will be happy, especially after our meeting with Mikhail last night."
Leonardo cuts in and chuckles. "I can't believe the sister fucked the cartel leader while he was drunk again."
I hum in agreement, my eyes going back to Liliya. She grins at me before licking her bottom lip, trying to be seductive, not caring about the trouble she's now caused. Mikhail called to explain the situation, and as per the terms of the fucking contract and the stipulations that were added behind our backs, I now have to look out for both his daughters, when all I fucking want is one.
The stupid woman now has the cartel's wife after her. She's already had two attempts on her life, and Miguel's hands are tied. His woman is crazier than he is, and won't step between her and her revenge. They had a deal, and Liliya broke it by fucking the idiot last week, trying to punish her father for allowing my marriage with Elena, which means I'm a million down for no reason.
The “Wedding March” starts, getting our attention, and I stand straight, looking toward the double doors while trying to keep an eye on Liliya.
Every mafia made man is here today, including the fucking cartel leader and his psychopathic wife, and I can't take any chances. The bitch gets killed, and mine and Elena's contract isvoid; Anastasia ensured it, just like she ensured Liliya would still be my problem, even after I married her youngest.
After reading it, my father and Mikhail blew up. Mikhail cut her off financially for her blatant disrespect for me, her husband, and her daughter.
The doors open, and the Mikhailovs come into view. My attention lands on Elena, and instantly my knees feel weak.
Fuck me, she is stunning.
"Fuck, only Elena can go elegant on her forced wedding day, instead of creating drama," Antonio mutters, and I nod in agreement, my eyes sliding to Liliya, who glares at her sister.
I look back at my bride, taking her in.
Her head is down, and she is not looking at anyone.
A satin dress flows from a butterfly pendant just underneath her full breasts, which are held in tight, thick straps over her shoulders. Her hair, which I have yet to see down, is in some fancy twist, and even from here, I can see she barely has any makeup on.