Page 33 of Always Meant To Be
I hum. “It doesn’t get rid of the scars on her back, though, does it?”
He sighs and changes the direction of the conversation, knowing I’m right. “Do you know when she’s being discharged?”
I chuckle. “She’s ensured to block us from getting any information, but I’m heading back there in about five minutes. I had a guy look into her records this morning. She’s due to be released this evening.”
He’s quiet for a few minutes when I hear a shout from his end, and he growls, “Alright, keep me updated. I’ve got to go; Liliya’s pitching a fit downstairs. She’s probably discovered Maxim has taken over from me as of yesterday, and when I say found out, I mean realized she’s been cut off.”
With that said, he hangs up, and I sigh, slumping in my seat, my wife coming to mind as always.
I don’t know how to get through to her. She won’t speak to me, only to Antonio. Even then, she’s ensured he doesn’t know when she’s being discharged, not wanting him to tell me, completely forgetting who I am and the contacts I have.
If Elena thinks I’d allow her to leave me, then she has another think coming. She’s my everything, and it’s time she understood that.
I sigh when the sensor on the front door beeps, and I turn the camera on, expecting to see one of my family members only to tense seeing my fucking wife hobble inside, Marco and Aldo trying to assist.
Standing up with such force my chair bangs backward, I storm out of my office and down the hallway.
Aldo winces when he sees me, and I glare his way as I boom, “Why didn’t I get a phone call about your release?”
My wife, my little fucking spitfire, doesn’t acknowledge me. Instead, she looks at Sarah, our other maid, and confirms, “Did you do as I asked yesterday?”
Sarah clears her throat, her eyes coming my way before nodding, “Yes, Mrs. Russo.”
El flinches at her title, and I narrow my eyes, before she nods back at the maid, and then hobbles to the stairs. I growl when she goes to climb them without assistance.
Quickly I rush after her, but before I can touch her lush curves, she turns sharply and snaps, “Lay one disease-riddled finger on me, and I swear I’ll push you down the fucking stairs!”
I smirk; I can’t help it. I lift my hands in surrender, fucking loving this fiery side of her, so fucking happy that it’s back. She growls at me, clearly not happy at my reaction, and then hobbles up the stairs with me right behind her.
It takes her a little time because she continues to refuse my help like the stubborn woman she is, but when we get to the top, instead of going to the left toward our room where I’ve fucking missed her these past three days, she turns right.
“Farfalla?” I question in confusion, but she ignores me as she opens the furthest door from our room. My anger grows, and I snap, “Why the fuck are you going into the guest room?”
She continues to ignore me as she walks in, grabbing something off dresser, and I look into the room. It’s then I notice all the belongings she brought from her parents' house—nothing I bought her—hanging in the opened closet door.
Reality hits.
No fucking way….
She turns toward me and tilts her head, stating, "We’re officially separated. Congratulations, Romeo. You can now move your mistress in.”
My jaw ticks, and I go to take a step forward, ready to grab hold of her, but instead, she smashes paperwork into my chest, causing me to grab hold of it, before she slams the fucking door in my face, and locking it for good measure.
I slam my hand on the wood and shout, “You’re not fucking sleeping in here, Elena; you are my fucking wife!”
She doesn’t answer me, and I growl in anger, looking at the paperwork. My whole body shakes when I read “separation agreement” at the top.
That little….
“If you think I’m signing this, Elena, then you're wrong. You're mine!” I snap, and storm away from the room she’s hiding in, and rush down the stairs, grabbing my phone out of my pocket.
I dial number one, and Leonardo answers on the third ring.
“I’m a little bit busy,fratello…” he says.
“Is Arnold still breathing?” I ask straight away.