Page 50 of Always Meant To Be
Anastasia chuckles. "My daughter isn't one to buy new clothes; she never has been, but it explains how she's wearing that beautiful off-the-rack dress that's not even out yet." Her words trail off as her eyes go to the bump, and she gasps witha smile. "Oh my God, you're pregnant?" Everyone's eyes go to Elena’s belly in shock.
Her Aunt Agy scowls while Liliya's face goes red, and me, well, I just grin like the fucker I am because, yes, sheisfucking pregnant.
Mama grins wide,and I roll my eyes.
I guess we're all going to act like she didn't use a belt to punish me over the years, that she didn't put my sister first, the same sister who's been after my husband since he chose me over her, and I guess my father is going to act like he never sold me.
"Romeo…I saved you a seat," my sister says seductively, and I look her way to see only one empty seat beside her. Shocker.
Her hair is curled, her face is covered in makeup as usual, and her breasts are basically falling out of her black crop top.
How in the hell are we related?
I sigh, my body deflating, expecting him to go that way, but instead, his arm tightens around me, and I look up at him to see his eyes on me.
He tilts his head a little and whispers, "I need you to start trusting me,farfalla…."
I wince, not realizing he saw my reaction, and mumble, "Old habits," making him chuckle.
I shrug because, I'm sorry, I’ve had four years of him choosing her over me. Did he really think the trauma he put me through would just disappear?
Shaking his head, he guides me to the opposite side of the room, and pulls my chair out next to Valerie's. Valerie instantly smiles, and guilt fills me again.
I haven't spoken to her since Maxim went behind my back. I thought I could rely on him, but he's put thefamilyfirst since he took over.
Romeo sits beside me, placing his arm over my chair in a protective way, making me look at him and see his eyes already on me, a smile gracing his face.
"Oh my, is that Luna's necklace?" Agy gasps in shock, and I look her way to see her eyes on my neck.
Romeo answers for me, "It's a family heirloom. The wife receives it on the first-born male's side of the family once they have been married for four years."
I send him a smile in thanks, which he returns with a wink.
Maxim leans over his wife and rasps, "Hey,dvoyurodnyy brat," and I look down, my heart hurting.
Along with Holly and Valerie, he was the only person I could trust, and he let me down just like Leonardo did. He knew I needed to have my own life and that I needed time, but he betrayed me.
"Elena, please see it from my point of view, sweetheart. I'm a new Pakhan. I couldn't afford to get on your husband's bad side, and everyone at this table knows that if you had left, he would have started a war to get you back, starting by gunning down my home where my kids sleep, kids that adore you."
I look at him sharply. "Don't you dare bring those angels into this."
He grins. "Got you to speak to me, though, didn't it?"
Romeo snorts from beside me, and I elbow him without thinking, making him grunt softly. Instantly, I inhale, looking his way.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I panic, my eyes already watering at the thought of reopening his knife wound.
He smiles, using his other hand, which is not wrapped around my chair, to cup my cheek, gently wiping away the fallen tear.
"I'm okay,farfalla. Don't get upset," he reassures me, but I shake my head, my eyes going to his side, as my father asks, "What's going on? Why would she get upset for elbowing you?"
Maxim speaks up, "He got stabbed during an ambush two weeks ago. Mydvoyurodnyy bratwas the one who stitched him up."