Page 19 of Bound By You
He sighs. "What she called you in there—what shehas beencalling you for over a year—is my love."
I slowly close my eyes. Guilt builds in my chest, sucking the air from my lungs.
No, fuck no!
I makeit back to my uncle's place in record time. Colin is now back at my father's to keep up pretenses. I must have only been here for twenty minutes when there was a knock on the front door. I sighed, unsurprised that I was followed, and opened it without a care to the world.
"You know you should at least have a knife, gun, or hell, even a fucking frying pan aimed at my head; I could be a cold-blooded killer." I shake my head, of course.
"Youarea cold-blooded killer, Sergi." He chuckles, and I step to the side to let him in. He places a kiss on my head. "Let me guess, you want names."
He sighs. "Phoebe Pie, you and I were close, and no matter how long you've been gone, we will always be close; we have been for years. I'm still pissed that you left without saying a word to me, but I have always had your back, way before your father switched out the contract with you and your sister." I let out a sad chuckle. I knew he'd find it hard with me leaving without a trace.
Once a month since I was five, we'd meet up for ice cream with our mothers, and even after I had to leave, he would call me frequently. We continued our tradition when I returned, never telling him what I'd been trained to do. I always felt guilty, like I was lying to my best friend, but I pushed it aside. He used to bring Mila, too, when Sofia returned home. Alex used to hate it, but that's only because he was fighting for his best uncle title.
"You won the title yet?" I question him as we go to the gold and silver kitchen. It's hideous, but my uncle thinks it's funny because my aunt hates it. He loves her but loves winding her up more.
Sergi sits on the stool while looking around, and I get him a bottle of water and set beside him. "Not yet, but I will." I chuckle again, but a lump forms in my throat when he states, "You're still her favorite. She misses you."
A lone tear falls, and I wipe it away. I miss her, too.
He changes the subject, knowing the guilt I probably hold for not saying bye to the gorgeous little darling.
"Angel of Death?" he asks, and I sigh. I knew he wouldn't be happy about it.
"What do you want to know?" I question.
"Why didn't you tell me? All these years, we all thought you were this shy, quiet girl.”
I look out the doorway toward the gardens and state, "Iwasthat girl, Sergi, until my father sent me away when my mother was killed, and when I came back, I still trained behind my father's back, just not as much, so that girl came back a little each day. Alex helped to make me feel normal, but the day I got that link…." I looked at him, showing him my pain. He knew how much I loved Alex, and how deeply it tore me apart, and his eyes showed his own sorrow. "It was like the assassin jumped straight back in, my emotions shut off, and I was no longer that girl anymore. Heck, I didn't even make my first kill untilthree months ago, when two men tried to rape my best friend." He leans forward, elbows resting on the side, eyes contently on me. "She was waiting for me to get out of the library. I heard her scream and ran toward her. One guy was holding her down while the other was trying to undo her pants. It was like a switch being flipped. I sliced the one guy's throat, and I shot the other in the back of his head when he tried to run. Since then, with Juan’s help, I've done my damn hardest to get rid of rapists and traffickers."
Sergi drops his head to his hands and sighs; I know talking about Juan is difficult for him.
"The three traitors?"
I sigh. I know he doesn't want to talk about Juan, and I know this was partially the reason why he came, why he followed me back here; he knew I'd be staying here, and he most likely didn't tell Damian or Alex. He knows I don't like lying to him, and if anyone can talk to me, it's him; he's my pseudo-brother and blood cousin.
I get up and head to the living area, picking up the folder and I handing it to him. "If this was Damian or Alex, I wouldn't be handing this to them; I was going to handle this myself, but I know how much you love dishing out pain to scum, especially traitors in your own organization."
He smiles at me, making his eyes light up.
I have missed him.
I continue to explain while he reads the information, getting more pissed by the second. I round the counter again and lean against it, my arms folded. "I have proof that there are three men into trafficking. They are targeting children between the ages of 3 and 6 on the east side of Brooklyn. All the men are Bratva, though they are low on the food chain, except for Grigoriy; he's a sovietnik, and the one tasked with finding the kids in group homes. The two lower-level men, unknown names, pick themup from either foster homes or group homes, then take them to the drop off point for the Mexican Cartel or the Romanians to pick up. There is also information on Alex's m-mistress Candy. She's been using him, and has managed to take $3 million from your businesses, undetected." I struggle with the last part; it still hurts that he has a mistress, while I'm still a fucking virgin. He's been living his best life like I meant nothing to him, while my body doesn't want anyone but him. I'm bound by him.
Sergi slams his hands down on the counter and shouts, "Fuck!" before he looks at me. "I'll sort this one, I promise." I smile and nod, knowing he means his word.
"Good, I have classes tomorrow that I really cannot afford to miss. I was going to return in a few days to get rid of the traitors, but they have a meeting at midnight tonight."
His eyebrows shoot high into his hairline. "You're still doing your veterinary courses?"
I smile and nod, and he hugs me tight, rasping, "I'm proud of you, Phoeb."
I squeeze him tighter and say, "I've missed you, Sergi."