Page 41 of Bound By You
It's beenanother hour since the nurse came to talk to us. Damian called Sergi, and he's now just walked through the doors with a pretty little thing next to him, with dark black hair and violet eyes.
He walks over to me, where I am sitting on the floor, my back leaning up against the wall, and my arms hanging over my bent knees. His girl looks shocked to see the blood all over me and is quite scared. I know she's only just met my girl, but I understand why she's here; he's in love with her, and he needs her, so he brought her.
He kneels before me. while Damian sits with a sleeping Sofia in his lap. My parents cuddle up near the door, watching me with concern.
"Any more news, brother?" Sergi rasps, and I shake my head. He leans down, leaning his forehead against mine. "She's the strongest person I know; she'll make it out of this." I nod. "Have you called Basil and Juan?" I shake my head, and he clears his throat. "Call Basil, and I'll tackle Juan, okay?" I nod, grateful tohim. I know how hard it must be for him to call the man who didn't want him.
I watch while he takes his girl to my parents, who are basically his parents, too, and introduces them. He kisses her forehead, whispering something, and she nods. Then he goes outside to make the call while she sits near my mother, who's looking at her with suspicion. I know I should address the look, but my mind is just not in the right frame of mind.
I get up and go into the corridor, get my phone out, and press call, but not to Basil. First, I need to call her lawyer. My mind finally clears again, and I’m back to thinking logically. I need to ensure Basil doesn't have power of attorney. I know she mentioned a few weeks ago about her ensuring he didn't, but I wanted to make sure, and then I need to call her friend in California before I tell Basil.
Twenty minutes later, after a call with her lawyer back in California, who was not happy about the wake-up call until he realized what the buzz was about, he confirmed who had power of attorney. I then had an emotional phone call with Abby, who couldn't stop crying, stating she's on the next flight here with Ares. I call Phoebe's father last, and he picks up after three rings.
"Basil," he answers, clearly wide awake.
I clear my throat. "I need you to come to General," I rasp.
"What the fuck, Alexandr? What's wrong?" His voice is full of concern.
"Phoebe was stabbed twice and shot in the chest by Mihai; they don't know if she'll make it," I choked out. I hear a loud noise; things being thrown as he roars out in pain. I close my eyes against the tears. He might not have done things right, but he still loves his daughter.
I hear Selene in the background asking sleepily, "Father, what's wrong?" but he ignores her.
"I'm on my way," he croaks, and I hang up and walk back toward the waiting room where I bump into Sergi.
"Juan is on his way; the call didn't go well." He sighs.
I nod, knowing the phone call would have been hard for many different reasons, and now I must add more pain to his already heavy-laden shoulders.
I deeply breathe and say, "You have power of attorney."
Sergi looks at me in shock as he shakes his head. I grab his shoulder before stating, "I've spoken to her lawyer back in California; she made sure to put it in writing four months ago, signed, and official. If she dies, brother, you get everything she has; she made it airtight, so her sister or father don't get a penny."
I swallow hard.
"The inheritance, Basil's house, everything will be yours; Juan signed off on it." He looks pale, like he's going to be sick, and I pull him toward me and hug him tight as I whisper, "It also means Basil can't pull the plug if she ends up on a ventilator; she's put it in writing that he is not to have any say in or knowledge about her care." I feel him nod against my shoulder, which has gone wet from his tears.
We hear the doors open, and his girl looks out, and when she sees us, her eyes brim with tears, his pain becoming hers. He pats me on the back and walks over to her, and she hugs him tight. I'm guessing she still doesn't know who we are yet. Fuck, I hope she doesn't leave him when she finds out, because he's probably the worst out of the three of us; he'll either burn the city to the ground or self-destruct.
I head back into the waiting room and lean against the wall. I tip my head back and sigh, closing my eyes. I stay like this for about twenty minutes, when there's a commotion. I look up just as Basil walks in, his eyes red, and fucking Selene right behind him, looking hopeful and smug. I scowl and walk toward themwith Damian, my father, and Sergi at my heels. Thankfully, my mother, Sofia, and Avery—Sergi’s woman—are seated at the far end of the waiting room.
"Any news?" he questions as I get closer. I shake my head, making him scowl. He snaps out, "This is bullshit; I'll go see what's happening."
He goes to walk away but I declare, "They won't tell you anything."
He frowns. "Of course, they will; I'm her next of kin, her father."
I sigh and rub a hand down my face. Things are about to get heated, and I haven't the strength to deal with this. "You're not her next of kin, and you do not hold power of attorney."
Selene pales a little.
I shake my head. Of course, she wants to see if she'll get her grandmother's inheritance.
Basil laughs darkly. "No offense, Alexandr, but you two never married."