Page 44 of Bound By You
Alex's growls and shouts, “Calm down? Fucking calm down? Basil is trying to get power of attorney so he can switch off her fucking life support! I won’t calm down!”
There’s another crash, then a heart-breaking roar.
Four months—four long months—ishow long I've watched my heart and soul leave me bit by bit.
I've gotten revenge. Phoebe may have killed Mihai that night, but I've killed his inner circle, with the help of Sergi.
He's not doing so well. One night after our killing, we went back to his apartment, and Avery was waiting for him. They'd been having problems for a few months, and he'd been pushing her away.
It's not just me; this has affected him, too; he's struggling.
He was covered in blood, and she looked like she was going to pass out when she saw him. He finally told her who we were, and she walked away without looking back—well, more like she ran away, with how he treated her. He's been on a killing spree since, and stupidly fucked Mindy, after I told her we were done, when she tried to corner me at the club a week ago while I was there to grab the books.
She'd been hanging around, waiting for me. When I shut her and her scheme down, she decided to latch onto Sergi. I hadn'trealized, because I was already walking out of the door. Only my love was on my mind. The problem was that Sergi was drunk, so he had no idea what he had done until the next morning. He's regretted it since, but somehow, Avery found out, and she messaged him, stating, 'I hope she was worth it.' She was willing to talk about him being an underboss to Pahkan and Don, but they're officially over now. Just like with Phoebe, other women are a big no-no.
For four months, I've had to watch my girl's heart give up more than once. She's had to be operated on because of internal bleeding, where she coded on the table again, and she's still on a ventilator. Basil has tried to gain the power of attorney, stating his daughter's mental instability. Apparently, he can't handle seeing her like this. I know she's lost a lot of weight, and she's deteriorating every day, but like, fuck am I letting him kill my woman!
I've just thrown the remote, smashing the TV, while Damian tries to keep me calm, but I can't focus. Every time she dies and has to be revived, a piece of me breaks with her.
"Brother, it didn't work; Phoebe knew what she was doing; he can't change it."
Frustrated, I walk over to her bed and sit beside it. I grab her hand and lean my forehead against it, and my troubles instantly fade, as always when I'm with her. Tears flow, and I rasp, "I can't lose her. I am not ready to admit defeat, brother."
He comes up behind me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "I know. Neither am I."
I don't know how long we stay like this, but I feel at peace with my girl.
I whisper, "Come back to me, sweetheart, please."
My brother squeezes my shoulder, when I suddenly feel a light stroke on my hand. My head pops up, and I look down, willing it to happen again, praying I wasn't imagining it.
My wish comes true, and a few minutes later, it happens again, this time, I see it move. I look up at her face. Her eyes are still closed, and her beautiful white-blond hair with fading pink highlights is spread across her pillow. I stand up and lean over her as Damian moves out of the way, thinking I'm having a moment. I gently stroke her cheek.
"Phoebe, baby, can you hear me? Open your eyes,malen'kaya ptitsa, and let me see you," I whisper, and I feel Damian move around the bed and come to her other side.
"Al?" he questions in confusion and caution, but I ignore him. I feel her thumb move again, and my heart races as her eyes twitch. Fuck yes.
I feel Damian tense. He sees her and grabs her other hand, giving it a squeeze.
"Phoebe?" he murmurs.
I rub my nose against hers. "I feel you, sweetheart. Come on now, you've slept long enough. Come back to me, come home to me, please. Open those beautiful green eyes for me."
Then it happens: her eyes slowly open, and she looks up at me, recognition and love shining through. My eyes start to water, and I realize she recognizes me. She removes her hand from my brother’s grip, and goes for the tube that's down her throat.
I quickly grab her hand and say, “Y-you need to l-leave it in, baby, just f-f-or now." I’m stuttering, my emotions getting the better of me.
I hear Damian quickly press the nurse button as a sob catches in his throat. She lifts her hand to my cheek, stroking it, and I fall apart. I sob as I lean down and place my head on her neck. I cry for the fear and pain I've felt these past four months. She's finally awake.
She rubs her fingers through my hair, and I hold her tighter, my whole body shaking with relief as the door to her room opens, but I don't pay attention.
"Damian, what's going on?" Sergi questions.