Page 33 of Sassy Embrace
“It’s wonderful to meet you,” Claude said. “I’ve heard nothing but great things about you and your time with Leigh.”
Her smile was awe-inspiring and sent a warmth swirl through Claude’s chest. It was another sensation that he wasn’t used to.
“And Iyou,” she responded, giving him a sneaky wink.
Leigh was blushing slightly, when Barbara began to wave at someone behind them. She told them that it was her husband, then gave Leigh a light peck on her cheek.
“Tristan is here. We’re going to get some lunch in the cafeteria. Meet you once the baby is born?"
Leigh nodded, that sly smile still on her face. It was beautiful.
“Yes, we’ll catch up with you,” Leigh said.
Barbara walked away, that same knowing smile shining through the sterile hospital space. When they were alone, Leigh scratched the back of her head, trying to conceal her wily twinkle.
Claude was enthralled to see her, though he did his best to keep his cool about it.
“Well, fancy meeting you here,” he said, feeling like a little boy with a crush.
“And you,” Leigh replied, sliding her hand along her jawline. “Would you happen to be waiting for the birth of a child too?”
He nodded enthusiastically, then sauntered over to the wall. He leaned against it, and she followed suit. Their eyes met, and that soreness in the vampire’s chest returned.
He loved it.
“Actually yes,” he said. “Aria is in labor, and I expect it to be born any second now. Who are you here to see?”
Leigh’s eyes sparkled.
“I’m here to see Emma. They’re having their second baby."
The two burst into laughter at the same time, long, pleasant chuckles that echoed down the hallways. Claude didn’t realizehow much he had missed being in the wolf’s presence until she was standing right there in front of him.
She was a remedy to his illness of existence, one that he wanted to get drunk on.
“That’s fascinating," Claude said, sipping at his coffee.
Someone familiar then came into his peripheral vision. A woman, ancient and respected, came hobbling toward him, her papery arms clutched onto another, much younger vampire. She was hunched over like a willow tree bending toward the sun.
“Maree,” he muttered.
Leigh glanced over her shoulder and looked at what Claude had fixated on. When she saw the old woman coming toward them, she pinned her back against the wall, and let Claude walk by.
Maree was dressed in her traditional vampire attire, draped in black velvet and plum-purple accents. No one really knew how old she was, but her thoughts and opinions on the vampire race were sacred and held in high regard. She was Aria’s role model in the realm of both vampires and inspiring female leaders.
“There you are,” a craggy but confident voice spoke up to Claude.
Claude went to her and held his arm out, and she curled her delicate fingers around his bicep. She was wearing her usual thick-lined eyeliner and lavender eyeshadow.
“My Claude, my Claude, take me to my granddaughter," she said wistfully.
“I will, Maree,” Claude said, then turned to Leigh. “Leigh, this is Maree. My great-great-grandmother. Maree, this is Leigh.”
Maree was in great shape for a woman of an ancient age, but she had certainly slowed down. She squinted at Leigh, who stood back respectfully. Maree raised a dainty hand to Leigh, who took it with benevolence.
“You are a good one, I can tell,” Maree said in her ragged tone. "It was a very good choice for my great-great-grandson here.”
Leigh and Claude exchanged a look, with Leigh’s bottom lip sneaking between her teeth. She was in a playful, lighthearted mood. And it lit up Claude’s heart like fireworks.