Page 38 of Sassy Embrace
“This is all very new to me too. When I helped out at the Thirsty Wolfe as bartender and manager, I was supposed to keep an eye peeled for vampires sneaking in. I didn’t like them, mostly because I was taught to."
Leigh closed her eyes and shook her head. She then grimaced like she'd tasted something sour.
“I feel terrible that I ever felt that way. It was really based on nothing. Meeting you has changed everything for me. Having a vampire in close proximity, and then to start to fall for one…”
Leigh swallowed, then her eyes swam open. To Claude, they looked like the most succulent honey-rich blend of Italian coffee.
“…It really shook my world, Claude. You really turned it upside down."
Her voice cracked mournfully, and Claude leaned forward even farther, his shoulders squared with studious ferocity.
“Did a vampire do something to you, Leigh?” he asked, edging the border of total chaotic rage. “Tell me. I will make it right."
Leigh shook her head and waved a hand through the air.
“No, no, nothing happened with any vampires. I was just told to watch out for them. I know that Aria took out the rotten apples, but it's just difficult to shake that way of thinking. I wanted you to know that before we begin, whatever this is...”
She trailed off and averted her gaze. Claude cupped his hands around hers as the flames of the torchlight danced beyond her head like a disembodied crown.
“Leigh, you don’t have to be sorry about that," he whispered, tracing each digit of her fingers with his own. “I was raised to hate wolves too. I’ve been slightly more adjusted than you, only because of Trevan. Now I have you. And I wouldn't ask for anyone else."
Leigh returned to lock eyes with the vampire. Her crestfallen stare wore off, and the entrancing smile returned. It made Claude feel hypnotized.
He knew then that he would do anything to make the wolf before him happy.
“Thank you, Claude. I hope it isn’t too much of a burden to help me out of that thinking. I want to be involved in your world. I really do."
“I know,” he replied softly with a crooked grin. “I’m one of the good ones, Leigh, and I’ve found that you are too. Something is destined for us. I know it.”
She laughed gently, then brought his hands to her lips. She grazed along his knuckle with her wet, parted plump mouth, then kissed each finger with a lingering passion.
Claude's cock hardened in his pants.
Leigh looked up at him over hooded, flirtatious eyes. Her gaze was dark and pulling him in.
“Do you want to finish up here and have me for dessert instead?"
Claude felt like the earth was going to split apart. His stuttering response made Leigh cover her mouth to conceal her hysterical laughter.
“Um, well yes, I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a proposition before,” he teased her back. “But yeah, that sounds perfect. You are my favorite meal, after all."
Once Claude had paid the bill, they headed back to the guest house in his car. There was a lot of thigh rubbing coming from Leigh as he sped through twilight. He saw that her pupils were big black moons, and her energy had morphed into a primal, feral sensuality.
It varied with vampires, but Claude knew that whatever blood was pumping through his veins, it was searing hot with thirst for the wolf next to him. The icy glass had cracked.
They opened the door to the guest house and Leigh became breathless as she looked at the exquisite foyer. The tall ceilings, the beautiful stone floor. She thought it could easily pass for one of those homes in a luxury magazine.
“Wow, this is…” she stared in awe.
“Overkill,” Claude added quickly.
“Really? That’s what you think of all this?” she asked as she twirled around the foyer with her arms wide open.