Page 27 of The Councilor
Pushing Raphaella would only drive her further into darkness. Plus, I had to be one hundred percent certain I was correct in my assumptions. My anger was ripe but the last thing I neededto do was to go off halfcocked during the meeting. Far too many people could get hurt.
Or worse.
I turned on Shanna’s light, still uncertain about the best course of options. But I walked into the administrative pool where far too many employees had cubicles. I found Raphaella’s desk easily enough, flicking on the light underneath the top shelf. The entire area was illuminated. There wasn’t much to go on. She’d brought a plant.
Sighing, I was about to give up when I decided to check her drawers. She’d brought some snacks so the turned-over picture frame seemed out of place.
When I pulled the photograph into my hand, I realized why she’d hidden it before she’d left for the day.
It was another smoking gun. The picture was much closer, clearer, and similar to the one I had in my hand.
And there was no doubt in my mind the two women were the same.
How many had I made in my life that had been difficult? Enough to know I couldn’t take this one lightly.
Raphaella had remained quiet and mostly to herself, asking me if she could get off a couple of hours early. As much as I’d wanted to confront her again, I’d done nothing but nod, wishing her well. I’d seen such a haunted look in her eyes and it continued to flame my extreme rage.
Gone was the spark from a girl enjoying obtaining a new position.
What I had in mind might be something I’d regret but she deserved better.
Much better.
“So, are you going to tell me what the fuck you’re in such a funk about?” Vadim waited to start grilling me until we were halfway to her father’s house.
“Something personal.”
“Uh-huh. So you know, I’ve narrowed down the list.”
I turned my head, studying him. “And?”
“I think Sergei is the best choice. He understands how important this is. However, my other choice is Viktor.”
I sensed he was partially goading me, even lifting his eyebrows and waiting until I responded. “Viktor is a brutal idiot and Sergei is too much of a playboy.”
“He and I discussed that. He’s agreed to curtail his ways.”
“Yeah?” I asked, laughing. “For how long? Either choice will not be good for her.”
“What about the alliance?”
“Don’t be a fool, Vadim. Neither one is a good choice all the way around. If they make a mistake, the alliance becomes null and void.”
“Then what do you suggest?”
Inhaling, I knew what I was about to do was nuts, but you only lived once. She hated me, but that might make for a perfect coupling. “I’ll marry her.”
He sucked in his breath in an exaggerated manner, finally whistling afterward. “What in God’s name brought you to this?”
“I have my reasons. I ask that you respect them.”
“Fine, my friend, but I hope you know what you’re doing.”