Page 29 of The Councilor
For some reason, the news settled in hard, Luciano’s eyes flashing. “You?”
How accusatory. “I enjoy the company of a beautiful, intelligent woman. Yes, it’s past time I start a family. Now, I would like to meet my bride to be.”
The way Luciano stared at me was telling. He was terrified. Good. I wanted him to be. I also wanted it to be very clear that he would never, ever be able to lay a hand on her again. I also sensed Vadim had a million questions. The answers would come later. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I was winging part of this.
So the answers weren’t easy to come by.
When Luciano didn’t react right away, I leaned forward in my seat. He finally made a gesture toward Mario, who was slightly hesitant to leave.
“Mario. It’s fine. Go get my daughter.”
The burly man finally left the room, grumbling under his breath as he did so.
“The terms of the deal—” Luciano started.
“Were spelled out,” Vadim interrupted. “Once the girl is safely in Aleksander’s possession, the crates of heroin will he brought to you.”
The mafia Don nodded. “I suggest you not consider stabbing me in the back.”
“I suggest you not challenge my respect or my integrity. Men have died for less.”
It wasn’t necessarily surprising the Italian leader burst into laughter. “Understood and I think we have a mutual respect for each other. Yes?”
It was tough not to laugh given all the posturing. I decided to answer. “As long as we are clear with details.”
“I understand.”
We only had to wait a few minutes before hearing footsteps. I had no idea what—if anything—Raphaella had been told, other than that she was required to get married in an arranged deal.
“Here she is,” Mario said, his rather rebellious tone something I wouldn’t be able to tolerate for much longer.
I stood along with Vadim, Luciano remaining an entitled asshole and staying where he was. There was nothing I hated more than pompous jerks. I curtailed my anger as she walked further into the room.
“There you are. At least you look almost presentable. Meet your fiancé, the Councilor to the Russian Pakhan, Aleksander Semenov.”
Well, the cat was out of the bag.
I turned around and instantly, the flash of shock in her eyes drove a dagger into my heart. Shock almost immediately turned into hate, but she was doing her best to hide her emotions. She did a slight shake of her head as I walked around the couch, a gesture her father wouldn’t see but telling me in no uncertain terms Daddy dearest had no idea the identity of her new boss. She looked faint, her lower lip quivering.
I kept the façade, even though I wanted to torch the man inside his residence, holding out my hand for a traditional handshake. “Aleksander Semenov.”
She was so nervous she was fidgeting, twirling a long hair around two fingers. Her father did that to her. What struck me other than the haunted look in her eyes was she looked like a coiffed doll. The dress was not anything like what I’d seen her in, sensual in the way the soft material hugged her curves. Her long chestnut hair had been styled, the bouncy curls highlighting her aristocratic features. Even the way the waning sunlight light streamed in through the blinds created a warm glow around her.
But the girl was terrified. She was also enraged. The spark was returning to her eyes, which I was glad to see.
“Show off your wares, Raphaella. You need to prove your worth. A lot is at stake for this marriage given if your fiancé approves, our battles will end.”
Without a doubt, she was mortified but turned in a circle, even offering a little sway to her hips. The girl was extremely beautiful, which I’d already determined. But without the glasses, which I’d suspected was nothing but a prop, and a little additional makeup, any man would be a fool not to find her attractive.
But I sensed she didn’t trust me any more than she did her father. She likely believed her hiring at my firm had been planned. I had to admit the coincidence would keep me on edge.
“Come on. You can do better than that. You need to show this man you’re worthy of producing an heir. If he finds you unattractive, your worth will be in the toilet.”
Hearing Luciano’s additional crass comments was all I could take. I noticed the horror spreading across her face, but she didn’t need to react herself.
I did.
And I was not so nice doing so. In a flash, I had the fucker lifted from the chair, one hand alone wrapped around his throat doing the trick. I also leveled my weapon toward Mario, giving him a nasty look.