Page 43 of The Councilor
Russian thugs.
Yes, I’d been taught to hate all Russians. It had been ingrained in me. I’d been told never to go to Brighton Beach under any circumstances. My father had put the fear of God into me, trying desperately to make me believe if I did, my heritage would be sniffed out by a pack of wild dogs. After that, I’d be dragged to some murderer’s house where I’d be dismembered and tossed into soup.
It was funny how the incidents of the past two days had brought out certain things my father had said, rules he’d imposed that I’d tried to forget.
I’d sat in the chair in the lovely room, trying to put everything into perspective. Around Aleksander, it was impossible. I’d met the two shadows, both men respectful but obviously just as dangerous as their boss.
Both were good looking, although the one with the scars was scary looking. They didn’t tell me anything about themselves and I didn’t ask. It wasn’t their place to get friendly.
I turned my head, studying my fiancé. He’d removed his coat and tie, almost allowing himself to seem relaxed, yet in doing so, he simply highlighted the huge weapon he was carrying.
My purse was in my hand, although it only contained my identification, a Chapstick, and the keys. I’d noticed my phone was missing only after being forced into the room. At least it was sunny, facing the beautiful pool and also allowed for a view beyond. Which had allowed me to notice how many houses were close by. Ten. Ten possibilities of escaping.
Unless he owned everyone and everything. I wouldn’t put it past him.
Now I was sitting in the passenger seat of the most gorgeous Ferrari I’d ever seen. While newer, the style reminded me of the one Thomas Magnum had driven inMagnum PI.
“The car is beautiful,” I said because the silence was driving me crazy.
“She’s my baby.” His words sounded stilted. Even his jaw was clenched.
I already realized I didn’t know shit about the deal the two organizations had entered into. I’d acted like the princess the man had called me and deservedly so. “Caspian is autistic. He’s high-functioning, and through work both his teachers and I did with him, he’s perfectly capable of living a normal life. He’s acted like a normal kid over the years. He was friends and even managed to snag himself a girlfriend this year. I’ve met her.She’s really cute and seeing them together gave me renewed hope in relationships.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Oh, I assure you that my father wishes Caspian was never born, so you can imagine no one knows his son was born defective. When I was a young girl, my father almost dropped him off at an orphanage, screaming at my mother that she’d produced a vile heir. Neither of them had wanted to take much time with him if any at all. I hated my father for the way he treated his own son. But I’d taken it upon myself to try and contain his outbursts. I was the one who bought him his first science kit. I cheered him on when he almost blew up his room creating a super spectacular volcano.”
When I laughed, I sensed the information was a bit troubling for the brooding Russian.
“Anyway, one of the few things that he liked outside of books and scientific experiments wasMagnum PI. Do you remember that show? No, you probably never watched anything pleasant on television if you watched it at all. Or maybe you were into true crime including about serial killers, preferring to see people dissected to give you ideas.”
I almost regretted what I said but the words came out before I could stop them.
“I’m sorry, Aleksander. I blocked out memories of my father and hadn’t realized it. But now maybe you understand why I was trying so hard to protect my brother. My father knew using him against me would force me into doing whatever he wanted. I never thought he’d go this far but I should have opened my eyesyears ago. My father is capable of anything, including tossing aside his own family.”
He was silent for a few seconds, his index finger tapping on the steering wheel. “When I was a boy, my father suggested I become an engineer. He knew my affinity for all things mechanical. I’ve been able to fix broken items for as long as I can remember. My mother used to marvel at it. Unfortunately, that was before he was offered a job he literally couldn’t refuse. It was either attach his loyalty to the Bratva or face a punishment for daring to steal twenty thousand dollars from one of the businesses. Back then, crime syndicates were very brutal, the reputation the Russians were given very much accurate. But my father was suddenly being called apredatel′.”
“What does that mean?”
“Traitor. Our house was set on fire. My mother’s car blown to bits. I didn’t know what was going on but I was followed at school, some bullies sent to beat me up.”
“Oh, my God.” I couldn’t believe this was the life we’d both been born into. “Did your father stop them?’
“He didn’t think an eleven-year-old boy would be touched but when I came home bloody and covered in bruises, not only was he forced to admit what was going on with my mother, but he relented, joining forces. The sad thing was that our life got much better. My mother had a better car. We moved into a nicer house. I was sent to private schools and my tuition paid for Harvard. I no longer wanted to be an engineer. I didn’t need to fix anything around the house. Everything was taken care of for me.”
“That must have sucked.”
He laughed and made a turn, immediately glancing into his rearview mirror. “Honestly, at that point, I did what I could to pretend my father wasn’t out killing whoever he was assigned to murder. It was easy when I had so many toys and books. I knew in the back of my mind that my father had turned into a monster, but it was easier to avoid facing the truth. I do understand you were just attempting to live as normal of a life as possible, but both our past and whatever legacy we were born into have a way of catching up with you.”
“I know. I believed I could live a fantasy, yet I didn’t push very hard to do so. I think I always knew the guillotine was going to drop or the boogeyman would find me in the middle of the night. I don’t know. I guess I was a fool.”
“You’re not a fool, Raphaella. At least up to this point you haven’t been. You wanted more out of life. As much as bursting your bubble isn’t what I want to do, I’m afraid your life is everything your father wanted it to be. By the way, I tried to pretend I could live without the Bratva blood in me, but the day I met Vadim, I hungered for all the wealth, all the toys money could buy.”
“How could you stand being friends with him after what his father had done?” I was incredulous, studying him as if the man had two heads.