Page 91 of The Councilor
Her smile was still mischievous. “I was just playing.”
I hadn’t told her all the gory details about Tillman’s murder. It was possible I would need to. “I know, little lamb, but the next few days are going to be dangerous.”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly. “I understand. I really do. I was just trying to help remind you that there is more to life than anxiety about what your enemy is going to do next.”
She was correct. There would always be some enemy hiding in the shadows, thinking he could break through the defenses easily, destroying all that was important to me.
But this asshole was unhinged.
Or very calculated.
“Stop worrying,” she tried to convince me. I’m not going outside of this house and you have an entire army out there guarding me.” As if to make her point clearly known, she pulled away, heading to the patio door and pointing outside.
I flanked her side, already knowing what my men’s orders were. “I would have dozens more surrounding you if that meant keeping you safe.”
“You can’t be everywhere at one time,” she commented. “You’ll figure this out. You’ll find the bad guy.”
She had more faith in me at this point than I had in myself. “I plan on it.” I’d still debated on whether to hand her a weapon, but I knew it was prudent. Knives weren’t brought to a gunfight.
When I pulled it free, she gave me another stern look. I could tell she didn’t want anything to do with the gun but I took her hand, placing the cold steel onto her palm.
“I’ll feel better if you take this. I know you can shoot. I might not like your father but I’m pretty certain he made certain his children could protect themselves in the case of an unforeseen situation.”
She nodded. “He did. I just don’t think guns are the answer.”
“We’re both from a world they often make the only sense. This is likely one you used before. There’s a full magazine clip. Only use it if absolutely necessary. I also have a burner phone, one that can’t be traced. I’ve programmed my number into it as well as Kristoff’s and Ivan’s. Also, Kraven is the man in charge today. Do not hesitate to contact him if you think anything is out of place. And I do mean anything. Hear me now. Do not do anything stupid that could get yourself killed.”
She took the weapon, showing me she could use it with ease.
“I know the drill. I’ve been around the block more than once.”
I rubbed her face and sighed. “I know. But now, you’re my responsibility.”
“Don’t make it sound so torturous.” She gave me another one of her saucy smiles. “I’ll make something for lunch. How about that?”
“I’d like that.”
Just having her walk me to the door seemed so… normal. Maybe too much so.
“Lock the door when I’m gone.”
She even saluted, which drove me crazy.
Ivan was waiting by the door to the SUV, his dark shades barely able to hide his amusement. “You’re a little late, boss, which isn’t like you. I was about ready to send in all the soldiers. Oh, that’s right. You have a woman now who controls the scene.”
I laughed before issuing a fake growl. “Get in the car.”
“Yes, sir.”
I slunk into the passenger seat, realizing my hand was aching. The spanking wasn’t that hard. Maybe the desire was just that strong.
A full ten minutes passed and I was already close to checking on her. Christ. Maybe I was already a little wrapped around her finger.
“I don’t like leaving her alone,” I hissed as I stared out the window, the passing buildings for some reason providing more angst than normal.
“She’s not alone. There are like a dozen soldiers watching, waiting and walking the property,” Ivan told me. I could tell he was amused at my reaction. I never questioned my men. When I’d accepted the role of Councilor, I’d had the opportunity totrain with them, spending a couple of months watching their techniques.
It was a way of bonding, creating more loyalty and had worked with Vadim and his men.