Page 93 of The Councilor
Vadim and Sergei were already inside, the ability to see them from the sidewalk a bit disconcerting. Granted it was easy to detect the Irish soldiers. They weren’t very good at hiding who they were.
Maybe ours weren’t either.
I took a minute before opening the door. Yes, the music was entirely different, but the atmosphere reminded me of the Russian restaurant from the night before. History and heritage were two important and distinct aspects of my life and past I’d tried to shove aside.
No more.
Both Vadim and Shane stood, my Pakhan’s eyes glimmering already, which meant he was pleased to this point. While maybe he could breathe a sigh of relief, it was my job to ensure his safety, not just mine.
“You reputation precedes you,” Shane said, nodding to one of his men. “My soldier has spoken of your first highly.”
“Don’t tell Congressman Tillman that,” I retorted.
“Ah, yes. When you play with fire, you will get burned. Sit. Have a cold one,” Shane said. His accent seemed heavier than I remembered, but boosting our native tongue was just another tactic used to keep power. There was no need for formal introductions.
I nodded to the waiter eager to take my order along with Ivan. We agreed with a respectful nod. You drank what was offered. Period.
Small talk was made until our drinks were brought to the table. While Shane’s soldiers were keeping a watchful eye, they weredoing their best to pretend they were enjoying whatever sports game was on.
“So, I understand this congressman was killed by a madman who could strike again,” Shane interjected.
“Possible,” Vadim answered. “Whoever is responsible went after Aleksander and his bride to be.”
Shane chuckled as did his first in command, who was also sitting at the table.
“I must admit, the move to bring the Don’s daughter into your fold was a damn good one.” Shane lifted his glass out of respect.
“In truth, a bit impetuous,” I said, the admittance surprising me.
He laughed and half the people inside the pub did as well. “Take a piece of advice from an old man. Often the greatest decisions are those considered impetuous. It will strengthen our position against the incoming thuggish cartels. What is your main concern aside from the attack on your organization?”
“My Councilor isn’t buying someone is posing as a man from his past.” Vadim sat back in his chair, taking a few seconds to glance from one side of the pub to the other.
“You’re thinking this is an excuse being used.”
“I am,” I told Shane. “I don’t doubt there’s a vendetta list, including taking out some bad actors, but I doubt the two families want to waste time trying to explain why the streets are no longer safe.”
Both Vadim and Shane thought about what I was saying, Shane leaning forward. “You’re suggesting a combined hunt?”
“Possible. The only trouble is we don’t have much to go on except for a threat that reminds me someone has watched too many slasher flicks.”
“I like this guy,” Shane told Vadim. “He has good opinions. Maybe we could share him as our Councilor in the future.”
Vadim shook his head immediately. “He’s going to have his hands full once he’s married just like I do.”
“You are right about that. Take my advice, Aleks. A happy wife really does lead to a happy life.”
At least the man had some decent advice. “I will keep that in mind.”
“Oh, and if you’re a cheating kind of guy. Don’t get caught.”
I studied Vadim for a few seconds before responding. “You know, Mr. O’Donnell? It’s taken me almost thirty years of my forty-three to weed out my playboy desires. And I had plenty. But not a single one of the one-night stands or even week-long adventures left me feeling anything but empty. I’m not sure I’m going to be a good husband, and if God willing, a decent father, but one thing I have no desire to do is to cheat.”
Once again, he lifted his glass out of respect. “Then you truly will live a happy life. If you also agree with her more often than you argue with her.”
Everyone at the table laughed, but something was sticking in my craw and I couldn’t put a finger on it.
Before we were able to conclude our meeting, three men stormed inside, staring at our arrival before rushing to Shane’s side. They immediately drew Shane’s attention, one of themcrouching down to speak with him quietly and show him something.