Page 18 of Ruthless Vows
Still, I drop my coat back on the hanger before shuffling back into my seat. I do my best imitation of a professional mask as I look at the thirty-something designer.
“It’s nice to see you. You look great,” I say, pandering to his already enormous ego.
“You too, darling,” he returns. “Can we get this meeting over with fast? I’m missing an important movie premiere for this.”
My mouth very nearly falls open again. Not only did this fucking asshole stand me up last night, he’s also not apologizing and trying to hassle me into rushing a meeting that shouldn’t even be happening right now.
I clench my hands into fists and pray to God for patience and strength.
“Okay,” I say slowly. “As I’m sure you’re aware, this month’s issue goes to press in a week. There’s been rumors that your new line will be announced soon, and we were hoping you’d announce it exclusively with our magazine. We’d like to feature some of your pieces.”
Hans’s lips pull up into a small smile and a chill goes through me. And not the good kind. It’s not that the man is abhorrent to look at. He has classically good looks and a charming personality, when he sees it fit to show it. But most of the time, he’s an awful proud human being, and if it were up to me, I would never be anywhere in his vicinity.
Plus, there’ve always been rumors about him assaulting the women he’s worked with. It’s never been confirmed, but he definitely gives me sexual predator vibes.
“And why should I do that, Lucia? What’s in it for me?”
“Free publicity? Knowing that you’re working with a reputable magazine that’ll expose your work to even more of the world.”
“Screw that. If I really needed the publicity, I’d go work withVogueinstead.”
LikeVoguewould want to work with you, asshole, I think bitterly. “What is it that you want, Hans?”
He smirks, leaning back in his chair as his green eyes roam my face. “You know you’re drop dead gorgeous. How about we go on a date sometime? You like movies?”
If he had asked me this any other time, I would have declined in a much more respectful manner. But at the thought of him skipping out on dinner last night, my blood ices over.
“You couldn’t pay me to go out with you, Hans,” I say, glaring at him.
He’s momentarily taken aback, his eyebrows rising at my tone. Then he lets out a chuckle. “There’s that legendary fire I’ve heard so much about. I’ve always liked passionate women. Translates well in bed.”
My eyes widen at his audacity. And I realize today is the day I bitch slap a man.
“I’m going to consider that a momentary lapse in judgment. But say something like that to me again and I swear you’ll regret it. In fact, I think you should leave. If we can’t come to sensible, professional terms, then you’re not meant to be working with our magazine in the first place.”
Instead of standing up, he continues with that godawful smirk. The glint in his eyes is predatory, making my skin crawl.
“Come on, Lucia. Think about what I can offer your company. You don’t want to do something you’ll regret later on.”
“On the contrary, I could never regret turning down someone like you. You can go, Mr. Murray,” I say harshly, getting to my feet. “Leave before I call security.”
He stands and I hate that he still has that self-assured swagger. I think he’s going to leave the office but he walks over to me instead. I barely have time to react before he’s gripping my arms and walking me back toward the wall.
“Let me go!” I shout.
“Shh,” he whispers, pressing one hand over my mouth. “Don’t shout, darling. I just want talk without all that attitude getting in the way.”
I’m still fighting to get out of his grip, considering he has me pressed against the wall. My heart starts to race as the helplessness of the situation dawns on me. Then I remember who I am. I used to be a mafia princess. And growing up, one of my first combat lessons was that the best way to take a man down is to knee them in the balls.
“You fucking bitch!” Hans screams when I lift my knee and slam it into his tiny dick.
He falls backward, clutching the area, but I’m not done. I hear my office door open right before I raise my hand to slap his fucking face.
“You’re a fucking asshole! And I’m sick of you parading about like you’re hot shit. News flash, Hans, the only reason you’re where you are today is because your mommy got you into the industry. Nepotism will only get you so far, though. And at the rate you’re going, it’ll lead you right to hell. Touch me or any other woman like that again and I’ll make sure you spend the rest of your pathetic existence in jail!”
Someone gasps, “Ms. Kent.”
The haze in my vision clears and I look up to find Simone standing in the doorway of my office. The door is wide open, and looking inside are a couple other employees.