Page 83 of Ruthless Vows
“Of course not. I didn’t think it was a joke when you disappeared a month ago. And now you’re standing in front of me, healthy and pointing a gun at my face. Nothing about this is fucking funny,” Ivan grits out. “Who are you working with?”
Alexei cocks the gun in lieu of answering, growing visibly angrier.
“That’s irrelevant,” he says. “All you need to know is that I approached him on my own. I asked him for help to take you down, because I’m so fucking sick and tired of you walking around like you own the place.”
“I do own the place. It’s my house, my money,” Ivan drawls. “You’ve done nothing but laze about your whole life, Alexei. And now, suddenly, you think you’re entitled to anything more than I’ve provided for you most of my life. I don’t know who’s filling your head with such bullshit, little brother. But I’m going to need you to wake the fuck up.”
Silence rings out at the end of that statement. And when Alexei falters for a half a breath, I shut my eyes in relief. Because it means he can still be reached. Ivan must know that, too. I think he’s stalling for time at this point, waiting for Nico and Adrian. Because until those snipers are handled, none of us can make a move.
He seems to have had it with his brother because Alexei’s eyes narrow on me next.
“Congratulations, Lucia. I’ll admit, you look beautiful. Quite the blushing bride,” he notes.
“Thank you,Alex. You look good, too. For a man on a stupid warpath.”
He smirks. “It should have been me standing in front of you today.”
“It would have never been you,” I assure him.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart. At least you found someone better, richer, older,” he lists. “That’s a lot of fortune my brother will be leaving behind for you once he’s gone. Unfortunately, you’ll be leaving with him today so you won’t get to enjoy it.”
My blood boils at the assumption.
“Fuck you. I don’t love your brother because of his money. Not everyone’s like you. He’s a much better man than you can ever hope to be.”
“I know that,” he says on a nod. “Which is why I’m going to become so much worse than him.” He turns to his brother then. “You killed our mother so it’s only fair I kill you, isn’t it?”
My grip around Ivan’s hand tightens. I silently urge him to just tell the truth.
“I didn’t kill her,” Ivan grits out.
“You heard me, Alexei. She’s alive and well in Russia, living her life without a care in the world about us. The same way she’s always lived. Do you know who has been there for you? Me! I raised you. I made sure you were clothed and fed. I was only a kid myself and yet I did everything I could to take care of you. You standing in that position right now is a slap in the face to everything I’ve ever done for you.”
“I understand the sacrifices you made and I’m grateful for them. But you also made me feel small at every turn. Youbelittled my choices. Do you even remember how I almost died when you tossed me in that stupid pit all those years ago?”
Ivan’s jaw clenches. “You deserved it.”
“I almost fucking died and you acted like you didn’t care. You’ve been an unfeeling robot for most of my life, Ivan. And I’m suddenly supposed to believe you care about me? Sure, you took care of me, but only out of duty and responsibility. The truth is you’re nothing but hollow inside, brother. Or at least you were until she came alone,” he says, pointing the gun at me.
“Let’s talk about her, shall we?” he continues. “Lucia’s the first woman I fell in love with, and when you found out about our relationship you acted like it didn’t matter. You brushed me off. Again. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make something of myself when you constantly look at me like I’m a failure? But I’m not going to be a failure this time. It doesn’t matter if you killed our mother. What matters is the path I’ve chosen to take. You know very well I’ve come too far to stop now.”
“Bullshit. If you stop now, I’ll save you just like I always do.”
“Enough with the savior complex. I don’t need you to save me!” Alexei yells. “Now, which one of you is going to die first? It’s kind of poetic, really. The bride and groom, dying on their wedding day.”
“You’re not going to shoot either of us, Alexei.”
“Oh yeah? Try me.”
As if to prove a point, he aims the gun and shoots a point at the side of my head. I gasp, moving away as it whizzes past me and embeds into the wall.
“Fucking stop!” Ivan yells, pushing me aside and covering me with his body. I’m trembling as I grip his jacket, wondering what’s going to happen next. I know Ivan is banking on Nico and Adrian getting to the snipers, but what if they don’t get there in time?
“Move! She dies today, Ivan.”
Ivan doesn’t budge.