Page 10 of Healer's Call
We walk back the way we came and down a few halls and into another part of the building. When we get close, the smell of antiseptic and cleaners hits my nose, but beneath that smell is one that’s worse. Much, much worse. It’s the smell of sickness and death. I watch Max and Blaine make a facial expression that tells me the smell is much worse for them. Cade stops at a table that’s covered in medical protection. “Anybody that goes in has to be completely covered,” he explains. He turns to Max, Cade, and Raechel. “I wouldn’t advise going in. The less contact, the better chance you have of not contracting it.”
Max and Blaine nod solemnly, and Raechel meets my eyes. I give her a look so that she knows I’m okay with this. I know why she would have her doubts. In the not-too-distant past, I wouldn’t have been. But I’ve come a long way. I spend the nextfew minutes covering myself head to toe with protective gear—gloves, masks, a white hazmat kind of suit, bootie things to cover our shoes, face’s a lot. I look over at Ava, who’s busy putting on her own gear. I raise my eyebrows. “You’re going in?” That surprises me. She told me at home before we left that she would come for support, but she wasn’t going to partake in the healings unless I absolutely needed her help.
“Might as well die together, so I’m not left to take care of the house by myself,” she mutters, and I turn so she doesn’t see the smile on my face.
Moments later, she and I are all geared up. “Are you both good?” Raechel asks. I nod, trying to reassure our friend.
“After they finish inside, we’ll take them to the decontamination tent. I wouldn’t wait in this wing,” Cade advises Raechel, Max, and Blaine.
Raechel seems reluctant to leave, but Max tugs on her hand. “Okay, we’ll check in with you later. Be careful,” she calls out as they walk away.
I turn back to Alpha Cade and try to settle my racing heart. I have no idea what to expect, but it doesn’t seem good. Well, that’s not true. He did tell us what to expect, but still. I’m nervous, worried I won’t be able to help. “Are you ready?” Cade asks.
I nod and reach out and find Ava’s hand. It’s hard in these gloves, but I manage to squeeze her hand. Alpha Cade strides over to the door and opens it and disappears inside. With a glance at Ava, I make myself follow him inside. I stop inside the door because the scent of death nearly overwhelms me, but I force myself to walk forward. There are two beds in the room and all sorts of medical equipment, making it look like a sort-of makeshift hospital room. Cade walks over to the bed furthest away. I watch as he bends over and reaches out to the person’s face. I’m unsure what he’s doing until he closes the person’seyelids. A sick feeling fills me, and I will myself to be strong. When Cade turns to the patient on the first bed, I somehow get my leaden feet to move that way. I'm almost to the bed when a hard shudder shakes the person, and the entire bed moves, scaring me to death. I jump at least a foot backward and knock into Ava. I try to calm myself as I approach the bed and stare down at the gaunt figure before me. I can’t believe he’s a shifter. His body is thin, emaciated, and nothing like the powerful, muscular bodies that shifters have. His body shudders again, and the smallest sound escapes the man’s lips. I study his face and see the pain lines etched into his face and the grimace on his mouth. I can see how much pain he’s in, and it hits me hard. I see the IV with the bag he’s hooked up to and make a mental note of it.
I feel my hands begin to tingle, a sure sign that my healing power is being activated. But not knowing yet what I’m dealing with keeps me from doing anything. He makes a rattling sound and makes several gasping sounds before settling somewhat. I squeeze my fists inside my gloves, hating that this person is in so much pain. I don’t even know him, but I hate what he’s enduring right now. Before I can say anything, Cade nods his head toward the hallway. We follow him out, and he closes the door behind us.
“I’m sorry about that,” Cade says. “I didn’t realize he had already passed.” My soul grieves for the loss of the shifter, a man I don’t even know. I can’t imagine how Cade and his pack are dealing with these losses.
“What are they hooked up to?” Ava asks before I can.
“Morphine--to keep them comfortable before...” his words trail off, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand his words.
I take a deep breath before I ask, “Where is Maverick?”
Chapter 6
Cade gives me his full attention, and I struggle not to fidget under his stare. He finally nods and turns away, and I follow him as we walk further down the hallway. Before he opens the door, he turns back to me and gives me a pained smile. “Don’t be too hard on him; there’s a reason he’s the way he is.”
His words give me pause. “What do you mean?”
“Not my story to tell,” he says gently. I exchange a glance with Ava, but she merely shrugs at his words. We step into the room, and it takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the dimly lit room. The curtains are drawn, and there’s only a small lamp on. We follow Cade over to the bed, and I look down. Instant tears prick my eyes when I finally lay eyes on Maverick, not because I care about him. But I hate to see anyone in pain, and he’s in obvious pain. I stare down at the man, who’s almost unrecognizable to me. His beard takes over half his face, and his hair has grown wild and shaggy. His skin color is pallor and not the deep tan I’m used to seeing. I turn my gaze to his face again and see the deep lines, lines that tell of chronic pain. He shudders, and I startle and take a step back. His body jerks again hard, and his hand flails. I turn alarmed eyes to Cade, but his expression is sad. Maverick makes a loud sound of pain, and it calls to the healer inside me. Tears burn at my eyes. I move to take a step closer, but Cade motions us to the door. Maverick thrashes hard again on his bed, and my hands tingle with the power building inside me. When he makes a low sound of pain again, I can’t handle it. The burning increases, and I tug off my gloves.
“What are you doing?” Ava asks, alarmed.
Cade steps towards her, like he’s going to intercept her. “I’m just going to release some of my healing power,” I tell both of them without looking at them. I’m still looking at Maverick, trying to assess the depth of his pain, of what’s going on. Maverick jerks again and makes a sound; he seems to be getting worse. “Why is he getting worse?” I ask, looking over at Cade.
“It’s probably because you’re here,” Cade says in a quiet voice.
I meet his eyes. “Because...”
“You’re his mate,” he says softly.
“Not really. He doesn’t--”
“You’re his mate,” he says firmly, cutting off anything I was going to say.
Maverick makes a pained groan again, and I decide to just take matters into my own hands. I bend over him and place my hands on his stomach. I’m alarmed at the feel of his ribs. I’ve never seen him without a shirt on, but I know he’s way underweight from what he should be. His ribs are too exposed. His skin is cold to touch, and it startles me. But I keep my hands on his stomach and close my eyes like Sage taught me to do and breathe out before I release my power and send it into him. I've done this many times now, but this time is different than any other time I’ve done it. My power doesn’t ricochet and come back at me, like I thought it might. That's what happened when I helped heal both Samantha and Ava after the vampire power started taking over their bodies. It doesn’t do that, but it sort of circles around, looking for a place to land and then just dissipates without really doing anything. I try again, and the same thing happens. I’m frustrated when I pull back. “Nothing is happening,” I tell Ava.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s like my power’s just...obsolete. I don’t know; I don’t know how to describe it.” I feel panicky that I can’t do anythingto help. Meanwhile, Maverick is dying while I’m standing less than a foot from him. I squeeze my fists, unsure what to do.
“Well, he seems a little better now,” Ava says, and I turn my gaze back to Maverick. She’s right. He’s quiet now, and his body isn’t shuddering as much. “So maybe you did more than you thought you did.”
Hope fills me for the first time since stepping into the room. I pull out my phone. “Do you mind if I call Sage?” I ask Cade.