Page 108 of Healer's Call
“That’s why I have to go back,” I continue to plead my case. “Please. Mav needs me.”
It’s absolutely silent, and I fight the urge to say more. “You saved the life of one of my wolves when it could have meant certain death to you.” I realize he’s talking about the rogue wolf I healed. “It’s a life debt. I could send you back because of thatlife debt.” I hold my breath, daring to hope. “But Rose, you must understand. If I do this, it can never be done again. The next time you come here, it will be to pass to the other side.”
I nod solemnly. “I understand.”
“Do you want to go back?” he asks.
“More than anything,” I breathe out.
“So be it then.”
Tears flood my eyes. “Thank you,” I whisper in gratitude.
"There is much ahead for you, gentle healer. Mating, becoming a mother, a grandmother, healing and changing lives. Don’t be hasty and reckless and miss out on your future because of the decisions you make. Let your mate guide you and protect you and keep you from burning out.”
Tears drip down my cheeks. “A mother?” I can’t get past that part. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“You will make a good mother because of what you’ve been through,” the wolf says as gently as I’ve heard him say anything. “Use your past to fuel your love for your children and your mate. It's the experiences you’ve had that cause you to feel so broken that will make you the mom you need to be. Work with your mate, and you will find yourself blessed and whole in a way you never imagined.”
The tears are flowing freely. “Is that why I endured what I did?” I whisper.
“Child, do you understand how the earth rotates perfectly on its axis? Why the wind sways this way or that? Or how a baby is developed in its mother’s uterus? Neither can you understand all that comes your way in this life. It’s not for you to understand fully on that side. For now, you are to live your life to the fullest. Love your family, take care of your pack, and be the woman you were created to be. Everything will become clear one day.”
“I will,” I whisper. “Thank you for this second chance. I won’t disappoint you with it.”
“I was never worried.”
He turns his gaze to Talya and Liam. I watch as Liam’s shoulders tense, and he pulls Talya closer, without ever releasing his hold on her hand. “Times are changing once again, and we must adapt.”
Talya gives him a wary look. “What does that mean?”
“These wolves that Rose was healing weren’t rogue. At least not in the traditional sense.”
“What do you mean?” Talya asks.
“They were made rogue.” He pauses. “By the vampires.”
Talya sucks in a breath. “Vampires? I thought we got them all.”
“We struck a blow, a heavy blow; but we didn’t knock them out. They’ve adapted, changed. They’re targeting my wolves now.”
“What? How?” Talya asks.
“What have you seen in your dreamwalking?” he asks.
“I’ve seen young wolves, rogue wolves, wolves outside a pack...they’re always chasing after something.”
“From what I can piece together, the vampires go after the younger wolves, the weak ones, the stragglers, the ones on the outside of packs...before they’ve lost their minds and turned rogue. They inject them with a serum that causes them to go after other wolves. Once they bite them, they turn as well. The only way to stop them is to heal them. Completely.”
“That’s why they came after me?” I ask, feeling sick.
“Yes, I believe so. You will have to talk to the leader of their group to confirm, but that is my guess.”
“This is a whole new threat to every single pack,” Liam says, his voice low with anger.
“Yes.” The wolf turns to Liam and takes a few steps closer. “My wolves have always risen to the occasion. This time will be no different.”
Liam looks down at Talya. “We have to warn the other packs.”