Page 12 of Healer's Call
When we get to the dining area, it’s not at all what I expect, not that I really even knew what to expect. But it certainly wasn’t this room that looks like a banquet hall you would rent, complete with a soda fountain, multiple coffee machines, and a hot buffet that looks like it belongs in a restaurant. Raechel meets us near the front of the room. “Isn’t this insane? We are so relocating.”
“Somehow, I don’t think Max feels the same,” Ava says dryly. I look over and see him talking to somebody, but his expression does not look relaxed.
“He doesn’t look very happy,” I observe.
Raechel waves her hand. “That’s his regular look. Come on. You have got to try this food; it’s amazing.”
I do manage to eat a little bit. The food really is good, but I just can’t stomach it right now. “How are you feeling about being here?” Raechel asks after we’ve finished eating.
I glance at Ava, but she’s totally disengaged. “It’s okay,” I finally say.
Raechel turns her head a moment and then looks back at us. “I think we’re going to have to head back tonight.”
My eyes widen in surprise. “Really? Already?”
“Yeah, Max and Blaine got called back for something.”
When she doesn’t say anything more, I ask the obvious. “What?”
She looks away for a moment, and I know she’s communicating with Max. I've seen it enough. “I’m not really sure. Garrett didn’t give him a lot of information.” She shrugs.
“Won’t you be tired?” I can’t help but ask.
She shrugs again. “It’s not like we’re flying the plane. As long as the pilot isn’t tired, we’re good.”
Disappointment flares through me that they’re leaving so soon, but I knew this was coming. I just didn’t know it would be this soon. I do my best to keep my voice even. “Thanks for coming with us.”
“Of course. I’ve always wanted to visit Orlando; now I can say I have,” she says with a smile. “Are you going to be okay here?” I swallow and nod, unsure if my voice will work. She turns to Ava. “Are you staying or coming back with us?”
Ava rolls her eyes. “I came didn’t I?”
Raechel looks at me. “I guess that means she’s staying.” We share a smile before Raechel leans forward. “Listen, if Maverick gives you any problems, call me. Max and I will get down here, and Max will deal with him. He's been itching to have the chance to go at him.” She says all this with a grin.
“I don’t know what to do with you sometimes,” I tell her honestly.
“Only sometimes?” she grins.
“We gotta go, Angel,” Max says, joining us a moment later.
“I expect daily reports,” Raechel says to me. “Don’t be a martyr; take breaks.” She eyes Ava next. “Help.” Ava just rolls her eyes. “Protect each other and stay together.”
“Yes, Mom,” Ava spouts off.
Raechel gives us both a tight squeeze. “I’m so proud of you,” she whispers in my ear. With a final squeeze, she steps back. “Call me anytime.”
“Let us know if they don’t treat you right,” Max says in his low voice. “Especially your mate.” I glance around quickly to make sure nobody heard him, but nobody’s paying us any attention right now. They walk out to the waiting car and load up.
“Thank you,” I call out one last time as they pull past us on the large round-about. And then, they’re gone and it’s just Avaand I. Instant panic threatens to overtake me, and I bite my thumbnail, wondering how in the world this is going to work. Tears prick my eyes, and I fight the urge to curl into a ball and cry.
“Tears? Really?” Ava asks, shaking her head. She goes back inside, leaving me alone. I blink rapidly to stop the tears, but I can’t. I hate being alone. I glance back at the huge house, wondering if I can do this. I just want to find a place to belong; that’s all I’ve ever wanted. I turn and stare at the green field in front of the huge shifter house. If I were braver, I would go for a walk and explore the area—maybe find some wildflowers, discover a creek. But I’m not brave. So instead, I turn around and force my feet to carry me inside this huge house that is nothing like a home. Nobody says a word to me as I make my way up the stairs and down the hallways that lead to my room. When I get to my room, I stop outside my door and look at the door next to mine. I debate a moment if I should knock on Ava’s door, just so that I don’t have to be alone. I quickly nix the idea; she’ll probably give me the scornful look she’s perfected and ask what’s wrong with me. So instead, I slip inside my room and lock the door behind me. I lean against the door for a moment and stare at my apartment. It all feels so surreal. I can’t believe I’m in another state, in another pack. It's insane. Wearily, I step away from the door and walk into the bedroom and sit on the bed for a few minutes before I force myself to unpack and take a shower.
When I lay in bed a few hours later, I stare up at the ceiling. I can see clearly because I brought my brightest nightlight with me. I know there’s literally no way I'm going to get any sleep tonight. Every sound has me jumping. Every time I hear a door close, laughter in the hallway, thumps I don’t all keeps me staring at my ceiling wide-eyed. The first thing I’m going to have to do is buy a box fan. I didn’t bring mine withbecause I didn’t think I’d be able to fly with it, but I’m seriously regretting that now.
The hours pass slowly, and I feel like my skin is crawling. I consider getting out of bed, but somehow, that seems even scarier. I finally doze off, but it’s fitful and doesn’t last long. Morning finally comes, and with the sun rising, my fears begin to subside. Normally, this is when I would finally fall into a deep sleep, but I can’t today. I have people depending on me, and I don’t want to let Alpha Cade down. So as tired as I am, I push my blankets back and make myself get up for the day. I’m slow, but I finally get dressed and ready for the day. I open my door softly and step out, looking up and down the hallway. I walk the few feet over to Ava’s room and press my ear against the door. When I don’t hear anything, I decide to just let her be. Maybe she had a rough night like I did.
I make my way downstairs to the huge dining room, but I hesitate outside the door. I can’t bring myself to go in there. There are too many people. Besides, I don’t know where to sit, or who to sit with. My heart rate speeds up. It's like junior high all over again. I turn away.I can’t do this.I leave the room behind and start in the direction of the rooms where the sick patients are. When I get to that area, I try to go down the hallway that leads to those rooms, but a man stops me. “Who are you?” he asks with a frown. He so surprises me, I take a step back. “Who are you?” he asks again, stepping towards me.
“I’m-I’m Rose. I’m a-a-,” my voice breaks, and I swallow. He takes another step forward, and I retreat. I glance behind me, but I’m all alone. Nobody’s coming to save me. I take a shallow breath. “I’m a-a healer.”