Page 24 of Healer's Call
“Well, they’re not mated yet, but it’s Bryce.”
Cade gives me a deadpan look. “Of course she’s mated to an alpha.” He sounds tired. “Well, at least Bryce is chill.”
I snort at that. “Except when his mate is in danger,” I mutter.
“Fine. Just don’t tell him.” I nod. I’m not sure it’s the best idea, but we don’t really have any other options right now. “Go get Ava and have her heal Rose. We need her; she’s too valuable.” I nod. “Keep me actively updated,” Cade throws out right before I leave the room.
I stop at the door. “I will. What apartment is Ava in?”
“Right next to Rose.”
“Which is where?” I ask.
Cade gives me a look. “You don’t know what apartment your mate is in?”
I growl at his words; I can’t help it. “Just tell me.”
“Ava’s in ninety-seven; Rose is in ninety-six. It’s in your wing.” he says, exasperated.
I’m already on my way; I don’t bother telling him I haven’t stayed in that wing since I got sick. When I get to Ava’s apartment, I knock on the door. Ava opens the door with a scowl but no fear. “Why are you here?”
“Rose has the sickness.” I don’t bother sugarcoating it. Her face pales. “You need to heal her.” To her credit, she doesn’t flinch.
“Okay.” She follows me a moment later. I stride down the hallway, hoping she’ll keep up. We make it back to the apartment I’ve been in since I got sick, and I open the door quietly. I take a deep breath and take her scent into my lungs. I frown when I also smell something else. It’s confirmed amoment later when I see her cheeks are wet with tears. I feel sucker-punched, seeing her tears. I walk over and check on her. She’s out cold, making me think she’s crying in her sleep. I hate it and am ready to wake her, but a hand on my arm stops me. Ava shakes her head and nods towards the door. Against my better judgment, I leave Rose and follow Ava out to the living room.
“Don’t wake her up.”
“Why?” My voice is harsh, but I hardly care.
I stare at her, not comprehending. “You don’t wake somebody out of a dead sleep who’s dealt with trauma.” I look back over the door behind me. “So, you just let them sleep and endure it?” I growl.
Ava meets my gaze head-on. “Yes.”
I shake my head and curse. “That’s just stupid.”
Ava shrugs. “I didn’t come up with it. I’m just telling you that if you wake her right now, you risk hurting her even more.”
“That’s...” I hold my tongue. “Fine. I’ll wait ‘til she wakes up, and then you’re going to heal her.”
“I will but not for you,” she retorts. “I’m doing it for Rose.”
I bite back what I really want to say and simply nod. “Fine.”
“Fine,” she responds. “Give me your phone.”
“Why?” I ask.
She rolls her eyes. “So, I can send you nudes.” I scowl at her, and she puts out her hand. “So, I can put my number in your phone so you can text me when she wakes up.” I hand her my phone and wait for her to input her number. I almost smirk when she hands back my phone and I notice she put her number in under the contact name, Blondie. “Text me as soon as she wakes up, and I’ll be here.”
She’s almost ready to leave when I blurt out, “Do you even know how to heal?”
She doesn’t turn back. “Guess we’ll see, won’t we?”
I’m scowling at the door long after she’s gone. Then I walk inside and over to the bedroom and look at the dark-haired healer. My wolf growls low in my chest, but I quiet him.She needs sleep,I communicate to him.