Page 28 of Healer's Call
“No. You don’t. It’s too dangerous.”
“This is what I was created to do.”
“Not anymore.” His voice is absolute.
I pull out the big guns. “Your pack members are dying.”
“So?” He asks, but I see his jaw tighten.
I try again. “This is what I was created to do.” I push harder. “What if it were Cade or Amber or Paige?” His jaw tightens more.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does,” I argue. Then I soften my voice. “I have to do this; I can’t not.”
He stares at me, his face unreadable. I think he’s going to agree and back down; but then he doubles down. “No.”
I take a breath, trying not to get frustrated. “Maverick, I’m going to do this with or without your approval. I have to. I can’tnotheal. It’s in my body. My hands literally tingle with my power and hurt until I express that power when somebody is injured or sick. I meant it when I said I can’tnotheal.” He doesn’t say anything. “What if I call Sage and ask how I can do it without harming myself?” He’s silent, and I will him to agree. He finally nods, but I can tell he’s not happy. I pull out my phone and call Sage. It’s hard to focus because he’s quiet but right there. He has this brooding thing he does that makes him sexy.Wait, what?I feel my face blush and turn away from him.
“Rose!” Sage calls out. “How are you? I was so worried.”
I smile at the sound of my friend’s voice. “I’m okay. Ava healed me.”
“I know. I was there for all of it, including the overbearing, protective mate. Things have progressed on that end, huh?”
“Uh, no. It’s not like that. He just...I don’t know...” I chance a glance at him. He's facing me with his arms crossed over his chest, doing the shoulder lean against the wall, the one he always does. It makes me feel like he should be wearing flannel and jeans and chopping wood. I shake my head at that random thought.Where in the world did that come from?I feel my face heat and am glad he can’t read my mind or hear my thoughts. “Anyway, the reason I called is that Maverick and I are having a small argument. He doesn’t want me to heal, but I keep telling him I have to.” She, of all people, will understand.
“Does he understand that you physically can’t not heal?”
“I, uh, I told him.” I don’t look over at him. “Anyway, the only way he caved was if I called you and asked you how I could do it safely without hurting myself and burning out or anything else.”
“You can do something to help from burning out.”
Her words surprise me. “Yeah? What can I do?”
“Is he there now?”
I nod before I remember she can’t see me. “Yes. Please tell me.”
“Rose, the only way is for him to mate you,” she finally says. “Then he can send his strength through the bond and stabilizes you. It keeps you from burning out, except in extreme cases.”
“Oh.” I don’t look over at Maverick.
“I feel like I should warn you that he can hear every word of this conversation,” she says after a moment. My eyes jump to his, but as always, his eyes betray nothing.
“Oh, yeah. Thanks,” I mumble.
“I'm sorry, Rose I wish I could do more.” She hesitates. “Do you want me to come?”
“No. Please don’t. It’s too dangerous here. You stay with your little girl. Ava and I have this.” I hang up after thanking her again. I feel unsettled as I pocket my phone and look over at Maverick.
He cocks his head to the side and scowls. “I’ve gotta go; Cade’s calling me.”
He gives me one of his intense looks. “Do you need anything?”
“No, I'm good. Thank you.” My voice is soft; I’m so unsure of myself. “Thank you for taking care of me and for the food,” I call out behind him. He nods and stops at the door and turns back.