Page 32 of Healer's Call
Rose-where are you guys?
Ava-had to stop for gas
Ava-Wyatt said we’re five minutes away
That explains how we beat them here. Somebody sits next to me, and I move over a little to make room. Somebody sits on my other side, effectively pinning me in. I notice with careful looks that they’re both men. My heart starts beating faster. I’m sure they’re just normal guys and not vampires, but my heartbeat won’t slow down. I tighten my grip on my phone and keep my gaze down so I don’t make eye contact. Why in the world did I come over here by myself? I feel my forehead beginning to sweat, and I try to take a calming breath.
I look up and see Maverick standing a few feet away. I meet his eyes in confusion. He nods towards the door. “Time to go in.” I don’t think about it; I just stand and walk over to where he’s standing. He walks toward the door, and I fall into step next to him. It isn’t until we’re inside and at a table that it hits me.
“I thought you were going back,” I say in confusion.
“Changed my mind.”
Chapter 17
I stare at him. “You changed your mind?”
He looks up from the menu. “Am I not allowed to change my mind?”
Thankfully, the rest of the crew joins us, and I feel like I can finally take a full breath. I also feel like I made a mistake sitting across from Maverick. When nobody takes the seat next to him, I feel bad but only for a moment. It’s his own fault. Ava slides in next to me, and Sam sits on her other side. Wyatt sits across from Sam, leaving an empty seat between him and Maverick.
“So, what’s good here, Maverick?” Wyatt asks, looking completely relaxed and at ease, the exact opposite of what I’m currently feeling.
“Don’t know,” he responds. I glance at him for just a moment, wondering if he likes it that people don’t like him. Or maybe, he wants that.
“You’ve never eaten here before?” Sam asks.
“Nope. Don’t make a habit of going out when there’s free dinner back at the pack house.”
My stomach clenches as I feel the tension ramp up again. I eye Wyatt, wondering if he’s going to let things be with Maverick or if he’s going to make an issue with it. “All right. Looks like we’re on our own, Sam. Well, I know what I’m going to get.” Wyatt closes his menu. “You can never go wrong with steak and a baked potato.”
“You could live off of steak and baked potatoes,” Sam says with a small smile. I can tell she’s nervous but is trying toput on a brave face. A waitress comes to take our order, and I ask for a water. Maverick orders a black coffee and a water, which doesn’t surprise me in the least. Thankfully, Wyatt keeps a steady stream of conversation going and manages to pull Ava and me into the conversation he and Sam are carrying. Maverick stays quiet, but at least he isn’t insulting anybody right now. I consider that a win. Our meals come, and that helps too because it’s a distraction from the awkwardness.
“Mmm, that looks good, Rose. What did you get?” Sam asks.
“Tomato bisque soup and a chicken salad croissant.” I take a bite of soup and relish the taste. “It’s really good.” Then I take a bite of my croissant and nearly gag. I force myself to chew and swallow and then drown the bite with tons of water and make myself not gag.
“What?” Maverick asks across from the table.
I shake my head. “There’s egg in the chicken salad.”
He frowns. “Are you allergic?”
“No. I just hate eggs.” I nearly gag again at the thought of it.
“You don’t eat anything with eggs?” he asks.
“I can eat baked stuff with eggs but not like eggs by themselves—hard boiled eggs, egg salad, fried eggs, scrambled.” I shudder.
“So, no eggs,” he says dryly. Then he shocks me by putting half his roast beef sandwich on my plate. I stare at it a moment before looking back at him. I pick it up and move to put it back on his plate.
“I’m fine. I have the soup.”
“Keep it.” His words are final.