Page 45 of Healer's Call
“Perfect,” he says in my ear. “Mike?”
“This is Mike.”
“Got it. You both are good. Let’s get this show on the road,” Stu says with an eagerness I’m not sure I match.
“Rose.” I turn to see Cade headed my way. “You’ll be perfectly safe. Mike’s carrying; he won’t let anything happen to you. If this all turns sideways, just get out. Okay?” I nod and take a breath. “Are you sure you’re up to this?”
I straighten and don my most professional look. “I’ve got this: I’ll be fine. I want to do this. It’s personal.” I’ve healed so many shifters from the Orlando pack; it’s time to end this.
“I know you can do this.”
His confident words give me courage. I turn around and see Maverick and Mike deep in discussion. I walk that way. “Ready, Wife?” Mike asks, still straight-faced.
I don’t hesitate. “Yes.”
“Let’s go then.” He offers me his arm, and I put mine through his. I don’t look at Maverick as we walk past. “We’ve got about a block to walk before we’ll cross through an alley so we can enter at the front entrance.”
“Okay,” I say on an exhale.
“Nervous?” he asks.
“Terrified. How about you? Are you nervous?”
“For this? Nah. This is child’s play for me, compared to what I’m used to.” I glance up at him. “I’m usually undercover trying to get drugs off the streets. My work includes infiltrating a lot of street gangs.”
“Oh, wow. How does your wife feel about that?”
He smirks, the first sign of a smile I’ve seen since I met him. “Is that your way of trying to find out if I’m single?”
“What? Oh, my goodness. No. I just assumed you were married because you’re so—”
“Goodlooking?” he chimes in.
“No. Well, I mean not that you’re not good-looking because you are but that’s not...” I blow out an exasperated breath and shake my head.
“How about we focus and save the flirting for later?” Stu asks in the earpiece.
“I’m not...I wasn’t...” I blow out a breath of frustration. I’m terrible at this.
We turn a corner and walk down another sidewalk, and I try to find my equilibrium again. When we get close to the restaurant, Mike slows us down. “You ready to perform?”
“I think so.”
“Good because it’s about to get real.”
With those ominous words, he releases my arm and puts his hand on my back and ushers me through the front door, laughing as he does it as if I just said something funny. His hand stays on my back as we walk over and tell the hostess our name. “Yes, your party is already seated. I’ll take you to them.”
I tense up, but Mike just smiles. “Thanks.”
“Relax,” he says softly as we walk through the restaurant.
I am aware that a few heads turn as we walk through the restaurant, and I’m not surprised. Mike makes sort of an impression. We follow the hostess to a back corner and approach a table with three men. My guard instantly shoots up, and I feel my heart rate start to speed up. The three men stand at our approach. They're all wearing business suits. Something about it makes me feel at ease.I’ve done this before,I remind myself. I’ve been to countless dinners, trying to woo potential investors.I can do this.
“Rose?” The first man asks.
“That’s me.” I offer a bright smile as I shake his hand. “And this is my—husband, Rick.” Thankfully, there’s only the slightest of pauses on my part.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Tom,” the first guy says. Mike and I shake hands with Tom, Paul, and Ryan and then sit at the table. I studied a brief profile on each of them this afternoon.