Page 49 of Healer's Call
“So, should Stu be worried about being replaced?” he asks with a slight smirk.
I finally smile. “No, Stu’s job is very secure.”
“I’ll probably still tell him that anyway.”
“Of course you will,” I say with a shake of my head.
He studies my face, and his next words surprise me. “You did good in there tonight. As much as I hate to admit it, you gave us what we need to move forward.”
I put my hand on my chest. “Now you’re complimenting me? Whatisthis world coming to?”
“Ha, ha, you’re hilarious,” he says dryly. “Just don’t do that again, okay?”
I laugh. “Yeah, that was my one act of bravery. I won’t be doing it again anytime soon. I'm still trying to get my heart rate down.”
“Did you get to eat any dinner while you were at the restaurant?” he asks. His question so surprises me, it takes me a moment. “Are you hungry?” he asks when I don’t answer right away.
“No, I’m good; thanks. I did eat some at the restaurant, and I couldn’t eat now if I tried.” He glances around the room. “You can leave, Maverick. I’m fine. I’m just going to go to bed.”
His eyebrows raise. “At eight-thirty?”
I shrug. “I’m tired from today. Healing takes a lot out of me, and of course tonight was crazy.”
He frowns. “How many healings did you do today?”
I try to think back. “That was such a long time ago. In between shopping with Amber and getting ready for tonight, I think I did two healings? It’s all kind of blurring together right now.” I suddenly give a big yawn. Exhaustion hits me like a ton of bricks, and I yawn again. “I’m going to go to bed; you can see yourself out.”
“Do you have my phone number?” he asks suddenly.
I blink in confusion; it takes my tired brain a moment to catch up. “No, I don’t think so.”
“Give me your phone.” If I wasn’t so tired, I might correct him on bossing me around. Instead, I unlock my phone and hand it to him, willing him to just input his number and leave. My bed is calling my name, and I plan on answering the call. “There. Now you have my number.”
I blink weary eyes at the screen. “Thanks.”
“Call me if you need something.” His eyes are intense, and I look away. I’m too tired for any more intensity.
“Good night, Mav.”
“Good night, Healer,” he says quietly and then lets himself out. Within minutes, I’m fully ready for bed; and I sink into the mattress. Sleep finds me quickly.
In my room the next morning after breakfast, Ava grills me on everything that went down the night before. I do my best to fill her in. “I can’t believe Maverick got mad at you. He’s such a jerk.”
I shrug. “He apologized.”
Ava gives me a look. “Before or after he called you a two-year old? I would have punched him.” I laugh because she totally would have. “How can you stand him?”
“He wasn’t terrible last night,” I tell her. “In fact, he was almost nice. I think it’s the first time we had a conversation, just the two of us that was longer than twenty words.” Ava makes a humming noise but doesn’t say anything. My phone buzzes, and I pull it out. “Hey, Amber.”
“Rose.” Her voice is panicky. “I think Paige has it.”
I stand up. “I’m on my way.”
“What’s wrong?” Ava asks.
“Amber thinks Paige has the poison in her system.”
For just a moment, I watch a distraught expression cross her face before she wipes it away. “I’ll come with you.”