Page 60 of Healer's Call
“Whoa.” A hand catches me around the elbow and keeps me upright. “What happened?” I recognize Maverick’s voice, but my world is still spinning. “Hey,” his voice is gentle, more gentle than usual. “Talk to me. What’s going on?” His other hand settles on my other arm, keeping me on my feet.
“Healing,” I manage to get out.
“Okay.” His voice is oddly...soothing.Soothing? That can’t be right. “What usually helps?”
“Sugar. Rest.”
“Okay. Let’s get you both. Come on.” He puts a hand on my lower back and starts walking with me down the hallway. The further we go, though, the more sick I get. The spots start getting worse, and I know what’s coming. If I don’t get juice now, I’m going to pass out.
“Mav.” That’s all I get out before my legs give out.
Strong arms catch me and lift me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I am aware of the fact that Maverick is carrying me. But I’m not coherent enough to enjoy it, though I wish I was. My world continues to spin around me, and I try not to be sick. The next little bit is hazy to me. Eventually, I get some sugar in my system, and my surroundings begin to come back. I blink in confusion when I see Ava sitting in the chair next to my bed.
“Welcome back,” she says without smiling.
“What happened?”
“I was hoping you could tell me. All I know is that I was sleeping soundly in my bed when somebody started banging on my door. That was Maverick. He told me you needed me and then disappeared.” She pins me with a look. “So, want to tell me what happened?”
I sit up, grimacing at the lingering headache. “I did a healing this morning. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, and I got too depleted.” I frown remembering. “I don’t understand why it was so bad; it should have been easy. The shifter just started having symptoms. I don’t understand why it would be so aggressive so fast?”
“You keep thinking on that, and I'm going to go back to my room.”
“Thanks, Ava. Sorry Maverick grabbed you.” She must hear something in my voice because she stops.
“What happened?”
I’m too tired to even pretend that nothing happened. I sigh. “Maverick sat me down this morning and told me that he doesn’t want a mate and that I can be with any of the males inthispack but I can’t show any PDA.”
“What a jerk!” She shakes her head and sits back down. She stares at me, and I keep my head down. “As soon as Cade feels like he has a handle on what’s going on and our job here is done, we’ll get you out of here and back to the Northwoods Pack.”
I look up and meet her eyes. “Yeah. That will be good.”
“Until then, I can kick him in the—”
“What? He deserves so much worse.”
I don’t say anything because I think I kind of agree, and I don’t want to be like that. I don’t want to be jaded and hurt...any worse than I already am. I'm trying to get better, and I don’t want something like this setting me back. What I want to focus on instead is that Ava is sitting here, talking to me, concernedabout me. That's huge, and that almost makes me happy for everything that went down with Maverick.Almost.
Chapter 29
I stand at my window later that night and watch as Maverick leaves. He has his bag thrown over his shoulder. Now that I know where he escapes to at night, I should feel better about it. But I don’t. I hate that he feels he has to go to the fight club to work out whatever it is he’s dealing with. As if he senses my gaze, he turns. I debate letting the curtain fall and stepping back, but I force myself to stand still. It’s impossible for us to make eye contact at this distance, but it feels like he’s staring into my soul. It only lasts a minute before he turns away. I continue to watch him, but he never looks back. Only when he drives away, do I drop the curtain and head back to my bed.
I sigh as I stare up at the ceiling. I wish I could help him, not because he’s anybody to me. He’s made it abundantly clear that we won’t ever be anything. I just hate seeing people in pain. And Maverick, though he would probably deny it with his dying breath, is definitely someone who’s in pain. I hate what he’s been through and wonder for the millionth time what I can do to help him. I think through the horrific story Cade told me. My stomach clenches, and I roll over. Somebody needs to help him; he can’t keep carrying around the pain and guilt. I’m not sure how long it takes me to fall asleep; I don’t look at my phone because I don’t want to know how late it is. I’m going to seriously regret this late night in the morning.
A sound wakes me out of my sleep, and my eyes pop open, my heart thundering in my chest. Because I always keep a light on, I see the men in my room instantly. I open my mouthto scream, but a hand covers my mouth before I can utter a sound. I fight against my attacker as my body comes roaring awake. Something is stuffed in mouth, and I gag against it. I try screaming into it, but it muffles my sound completely. Another guy approaches the bed and holds up a syringe filled with who knows what, but I’m not about to let them drug me with anything. I kick out and nail his hand. The syringe goes flying, and the man lets out a muffled curse.
“Quiet,” the guy holding me snarls as he yanks me off the bed. I buck against my captive, but he’s too strong. Another person grabs me on my other side, and they drag me to the door. My heart is pounding so hard, I feel like it’s going to explode. I try to keep from being dragged into the hallway. I grab the doorframe, but a solid kick against my stomach sends me into the hall on my knees. I can’t breathe as the air’s knocked from my lungs. Panic assails me as I try but fail to drag in a breath. I’m yanked to my feet and dragged along. I can’t see anything in the dark. Even if I could, my eyes are watering too hard. Hands on either side drag me down the steps; my feet barely touch the ground. I fight again at the door, knowing if they get me outside, I’m as good as dead. I know a car is probably next and then death. No matter who they are, that’s how things always play out. Fear that the men who grabbed me are actually vampires has me panicking so hard, I’m afraid I’m going to black out. Just like I feared, there’s a waiting car. My fear ratchets up another notch.Stop. Stay calm. Focus on getting away.I try to talk sense into my brain. I know if I get in that car, it’s not going to end well. I let my knees lock for a minute and then I drop like dead weight.
The man on my left curses, and the man on my right stumbles. I use the opportunity to yank my arms free and run. I run for all I’m worth, knowing that if they’re vampires, it’s not going to matter. I slam into something in the dark, and it knocksthe wind out of me. I turn to run away, but strong arms wrap around me.Too late!My mind shouts at me.
“Rose.” I hear the harsh whisper, and I look up. Dark eyes bore into mine, and I suck in a shocked breath.
“Maverick?” My voice is high and panicky. “There’s men. They—they...” Maverick puts a hand over my mouth, quieting me and pulling me around a car. He pushes me against the car and leans against me. My body is on overload, and the feeling of his large body leaning against me, protecting me is more than I can handle right now.