Page 63 of Healer's Call
“Hey,” Maverick says quietly. It takes a minute to get my bearings back.
I look around the room in surprise. “Everybody's gone?”
He nods. “For now. We’ll get back to it first thing in the morning.” I don’t even bother asking if they came to any conclusions. I can tell by the frown on his face that they didn’t. I stand up and stretch, knowing I need to get back to my own room. Not that I’ll be sleeping any more tonight, or what’s left of it anyway.
“Do you want to watch a movie?”
I look at Maverick in surprise. “What?”
He walks over to the tv and picks up the controls. “Do you want to watch something?” he asks again, nodding at the tv.I watch as he walks over to the side of his bed and kicks off his shoes before climbing on the bed and sitting against the headboard and uses the controls to flick on the tv.
“You watch movies?” The question just sort of comes out.
He gives me one of his smirks. “Yes, Healer. I watch movies.”
I glance at the tv and then back at him. “Name one.”
He turns his head slowly to look at me. “What?”
“Name a movie you’ve watched.” He cocks an eyebrow at me. “I don’t believe you. Name a movie.”
“Indiana Jones.”
“That doesn’t count; every guy has seen that,” I tell him with a huff.
He smirks again and nods at the bed next to him. “Or are you going to go back to your room to sleep?” He looks at me expectantly, and I know what he’s saying without actually saying it. He knows I’m not going to be able to go back to sleep. I’m too keyed up. Besides, it’s almost morning. I lift my chin and take a breath, forcing myself to be brave. I walk over to the bed and climb on. I don’t have to take off my shoes because I’m not wearing any. That's what happens when you’re dragged from your bed in the middle of the night. I settle on the bed next to him, holding myself stiffly.
He looks over at me. “What do you want to watch?”
“Whatever you want to watch.”
He faces the tv and flips through several apps. I stare at his screen. “Disney Jr.?” I ask, eyebrows high.
He doesn’t even look flustered. “Paige likes Bluey.”
I stare at him; I can’t even form words. “Bluey.”
“Yeah. Ever watch Bluey? It’s pretty good. Pretty sure Bandit puts dads everywhere to shame.” I don’t say anything. “Bandit’s the dad,” he offers.
“I know who Bandit is; I’m just shockedyoudo.” I had never heard of Bluey until I saw it on in the pack house one day when Iwas with the Northwoods Pack. One of the mothers told me what it was, and I’m totally not ashamed to say I watched at least eight episodes.
Maverick turns on a movie I haven’t seen before. Surprisingly, it looks like a chick flick. I hold myself stiffly for about the first twenty minutes before I finally get comfortable. Maverick doesn’t say a word as we watch, even though I glance over at him every so often. It takes a long time, but I finally feel the rigidness begin to dissipate from my muscles. I stare at the screen, wondering if I’m losing my touch on reality. Maybe this is all a dream. Because watching a movie...with Maverick...a chick his bed. It's all too much to take in. Add Bluey to that and Mav holding Paige earlier, and everything I thought I knew about him is blown apart. I blink increasingly slower and finally let my body come down.
I open my eyes and blink, trying to figure out my surroundings. It takes me a full minute to realize I’m in Maverick’s room still. I sit up, tossing off the throw blanket that covers me and stand to my feet. I look at the clock and grimace when I see that it’s after nine. A quick glance around the room reveals that he’s not here. I almost look for a note or something until I remember it’s Mav we’re talking about. I slip out into the hallway quickly, so I can get back to my room before too many people see me. I am keenly aware of the fact that I’m wearing my pajamas, Maverick’s sweatshirt, and no socks or shoes. I've barely gone a few steps when a door opens, and several shifters step out into the hallway. The first few take in the sight and drop their gaze. Maverick comes out into the hall next. He sees me, and I swear his eyes soften. I fight the urge to smooth down my hair; I’m sure I look like a hot mess. He stops in front of me. “I’ll walk you to your room.” I watch as he gives a hard look at the people around us, and they look away. Then he puts a hand on my back that I can feel even through his sweatshirt as we makeour way to my room. When we stop at my door, I finger the bottom of his sweatshirt, preparing to pull it off. “Keep it,” he says, putting his hand on mine. “I’ll get it from you later.”
Chapter 31
I close the door behind him and take a shaky breath. My phone buzzes, and I walk over to my bedstand where I left it. I bite my lip at the seven texts and three missed calls from Ava. I can feel her fury through the phone. I call her before she blows a gasket.
“Rose! Where have you been? I’ve been calling you for the past two hours. Why would you leave your phone?”
I sigh. “Good morning to you too, Ava. I didn’t have my phone on me. I’m sorry. I was in Maverick’s room. I just got back to my room and saw the missed texts.” I pause. “Ava?”
There’s a pounding on my door that scares me to death. I jump and almost drop my phone. “Open up, Rose!” Ava demands from the other side.
With a sigh, I head over to the door and unlock it. Ava pushes past me. “Do I need to hurt him?” she asks.